Part 5

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I had taken the day off of school. Lucifer was whining all day so I sent him back to hell for a while. He needed to go there sometimes, something about recharging his power. But I on the other hand, was quite angry. It was starting to get hard to control my shift. 

So once nightfall hit, I jogged to the hospital. I wasn't bringing Melissa her food. No, I felt way to angry to be nice to her this time. She had lied to me for years. I lost everything in that fire... 

The receptionist, after some 'persuision' gave me the room of Peter Hale and I went right up. It wasn't like I didn't know the whole hospital by heart. I was in here a lot as a child, especially after mom died. 

I finally found his room, opening the door slightly and taking a look around. There, in the middle of the room, sat a man in a wheelchair. Half of his face covered in severe burns, with brown-almost lifeless eyes, and auburn brown curls that didn't match with the face. 

He had certainly grown up from teen cute to adult hot. Dean would slap me right now. I had this thing, I didn't date, but when I took someone out it was usually my age. I did tend to flirt with older guys. Sam called it 'Daddy issues'. I laughed at it every time. 

I gently placed a hand on him burnt one and whispered: "I don't know if you can hear me, but... I promise you. I'll avenge what was done too us, no matter what. The Argent Family, will not survive my wrath. Not after they killed Talia and Laura and the rest of the Hales in that house. I swear on my dead mothers grave." 

My eyes started watering but I quickly wiped it away. I could not break down, not now. Not when there was so much that had to be done. 

Lifting my hand. I saw a struggling finger lift, slowly tapping twice. I guess that meant he could hear me. That was when a nurse walked in and scolded me for being in there, saying it was not visiting hours. 

I threatened her and she said that she'd call Melissa if I didn't leave. I sighed and left. Throwing an envelope of cash for their bills. My signature on it, no winky face or silly message like I used to. I felt too betrayed. 

 I just happed to arrive home just as Dad leaves with Stiles. I overheard Jackson's name and that video store in the same sentance and made a run for it. It wasn't even funny anymore. I was starting to wonder why werewolves were attacking my friends. 

Seeing Jackson, I ran over and heard him talk trash about dad. As much as I would love to add to it, dad wasn't that bad. He loved Stiles, he tried with me. I mean we were avoiding each other because of the last fight where I was the one to flip a table because of my anger. But at least he tried. 

He even left me a messange that I will never admit is neatly folded in my desk. '10/10, loved the omelate. Thanks! <3' 

"Jackass!" I yelled from behind the two. Making both jump slightly. From what I could tell, Jackson was scared shitless, so was Lydia but they were to obsessed with their reputations to let anyone see it. 

Jackson smiled slightly at me and I frowned. Then turned to dad, "You wont get anything else out of him. He's a complicated case." Dad, surprised that I started talking to him again, nodded and let us go. 

Jackson was shaken up, someone else had volenteeted to take Lydia home-most likely Stiles. So I took his keys and drove him home. Luckily for me, Mrs. and Mr. Whitmore loved me. They even volenteered that I stay the night, it was obvious Jackson and I would never be more than friends. He kept me centered while I made sure he didn't die from supernatural causes. 

I politely diclined the offer and jogged home, I never really liked sleeping. I couldn't dream so it was worthless. Plus I had figured out that I could go 2 days and 7 hours without sleeping, that is without it taking a very bad effect on myself. 

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