Part 21

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(A/N- I'm getting really invested in this. I should be studying XD Anyways... Enjoy the story. Votes and comments are appreciated. NO need to be a silent reader!) 

Arriving back in Beacon Hills are hard for Alex. But what was harder was Danny barely able to breathe in the middle of the night while calling her for something whilst he was studying. 

She jumped onto her bike, unable to think straight as she rushed to the hospital. The bike went offroad once she reached the area where the pile-up happened. But she reached the hospital in record time, anyways. 

She ran in just as Melissa saved Danny. "Oh, thank Chuck!" she smiled and hugged Danny tightly. Everyone was startled by her sudden appearance yet too dumbstruck by Melissa's incredable nursing to really show it. 

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Melissa asked Alex who looked at her and said: "I'll think about it." 

Melissa had to run off to other patients whilst Alex pulled Ethan aside. Scott wanted to protest only for her to growl at him. 

"You promise me, promise Danny won't get hurt because of this." she asked him. 

"He wants you too, has been going on about having you back with him for a while." Ethan told her after making the promise clear. 

"I know, he won't get me as easily. I don't break like a twig." she told him. 

"And we're not going to talk about how close we have gotten? Even Aiden, he just doesn't show it as easily." Ethan told her. 

"I suffer from this thing... it's dark and I can't control it. All I know is, I have to make a disision and if it means making sure you and my friends are okay... I will most likely make the wrong disision for you guys. That's how much I actually care." she told him. 

Ethan gave her hand a light squeeze and said: "Caring doesn't always make you weak. But I got to go now." 

"Ethan!" she called back for the boy who turned to her as he jogged, "If anything I just said gets to him, I'll kill you." he just smiled as he left. 

"What was that about?" Scott asked but she shrugged and moved to call Stiles. 

Surprise, surprise, he was on his way becuase of the vacant car. 


School was going pretty normal for Alex, until Isaac and Boyd told her to meet at Derek's loft right after nightfall. She didn't question it and exused herself from school for the rest of the day. 

She was walking around in the woods, her finger hovering above a number labled: D.W

SHe got the courage to call him and pressed down. Her phone rang once... then twice... before it could ring a third time, Dean answered. 

"Alex? Please tell me this is a checkup call." Dean pleaded to her. 

"More like a 'I want advice because I'm losing everyting' call, but sure let's go with checkup." She remarked back. 

Dean laughed and answered: "We stared taking cases closer too you, just for incase you want to be thrown off of a cliff again." 

"I almost killed myself two or three days ago, I don't think that's funny." she grimly told him. 

"WHAT!?!" Dean Yelled. 

"We're fighting something, a Darach. It's not that bad but it got in the werewolves' heads, including mine. We all tried to kill ourselves, they don't remember it but I do- I remember everything so vividly. I felt so... broken and the more I think about it... Dean the more I think about it the more I realise what a monster I really am." she told him. Dean knew so much about how she felt, Sam did too but the connection they had was surreal. Was different. She was scared- she called Dean because Sam was there for support but he was there to tell her that she needed to man up and get shit done. 

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