"Thank you Branch." I laid my hand on his in a silent appreciation of all he's done for me but he came right back at me with a,

"Honestly I should be the one thanking you, if it wasn't for you my brother wouldn't be as happy as he is right now nor would we be as close as we are now." My eyes looked towards my intertwined hands as my thumbs tapped together and I whispered,

"Thanks, It's just weird you know, I never thought my life would change so drastically in such a short span of time..." I felt awkward about revealing my random thought to my fiancé's younger brother but with a sigh as he sat next to me he responded,

"Yeah I felt that way too you know, in the matter of a whole month Poppy was able to get me to change my mind and open my heart, I'm glad that Floyd did that for you." I felt prickles of tears hit my eyes as he was right, it takes the right person to show you the light and show how life could get better if you put effort into it.

"Cmon floydeeeee" Bruce went to lick his finger again as Floyd hopped to avoid his now wet finger of a what was it? A wet William as Bruce once called it. Clay chuckling as he followed suit chasing him around the well lit hospital room.

"You guys are so embarrassing!" i smirked at his exclamation and I knew my vengeance was being completed for me as his brother's were giving him a torment that I couldn't dream of. My anger fizzled away as now me and Floyd were now even.

Branch smirked as he softly tussled my hair in a loving mocking gesture and I laid my head back as we continued talking,

"Do you ever feel like that sometime's life moves too fast but you're perfectly fine with it." I loved how easily I slid into my new life, the world spinning faster as everything fell into place for me, I looked down at my ring finger, seeing the shiny band glimmer in the fluorescent lights sent my heart into a high speed chase as my face flushed.

"Yeah, ♪ I used to hide away from the world until I had my life changed by a beautiful girl ~♪" he softly sung as to not draw their attention back to us and I joined him

"♪ Trolls just wanna have fun, oh trolls just wanna have fun ~♪" I happily giggled out the song as the atmosphere was severely light and happy between all of us before a sudden slamming of the door opened to reveal Poppy and Viva entered the room holding a arrangement of flowers,

Viva squealed as she pointed to the screen as Poppy rapidly joined her,

"Oh my god three! YAY!!" Viva cried out as she threw her body on top of mine however she was able to dodge my middle as she held me in a tight embrace.

"Oh Veneer eeee!" Poppy slammed into my other side but not before pushing her boyfriend soon to be husband out the way and joining in on the hug.

"So this is Veneer?" My sapphires attached themselves to the person attached to the new voice which belonged to a orange-skinned Troll with grey-streaked pink frizzled hair with matching eyebrows, and a mustache, a rounded neon yellow nose and mocha brown eyes. He had the attire of a green and blue waistcoat, and green pants.

He stepped closer to the three of us using a blue walking stick to assist him. I nodded my head as Poppy and Viva stuck to his sides, I looked to see all the brothers stopped their ministrations with Floyd being trapped into a head lock by Clay with his fist in Floyd's locks with Bruce's finger almost reaching his ear again.

"Hello sir-" his warm calloused pumpkin hands held my snow colored one before he laughed at my nervous face.

"now now none of that nonsense, Viva and Poppy are my daughters, which makes you my son, so you can call me dad." I could feel tears streaking my cheeks as this was the previous king of the pop trolls, king Peppy,

"oh uh did I make a good first impression?" I nervously laughed as he suddenly took me into his arms squeezing me into a warm hug,

"Well I already love you and can't wait to find out more." I tried to snuff my sobs as Viva and Poppy Joined the hug as now I was finally introduced to my new father.

All the brothers had tears in their eyes as we all sat there in a warm heavy silence that felt homy and safe, almost like eating warm stew on a cold winter day.

"Now that we've been introduced, how about I take you out on a father son bonding day!" I wiped the thick globs of tears from my eyes as I nodded my head but he continued,

"Buuut how about we go to a Brozone concert first to celebrate! I was thinking at midnight we could start." The king gave a pointed glare at the brothers who nodded their heads at the kings silent request, Viva bounced as Poppy was already planning the concert,

"Uhhh what are we celebrating?" I was lost at why we were just throwing a random party but to only receive my answer from the previous troll king,

"My future grandchildren! I'm so happy, not only I found out that I have a new son but grand babies as well! Oh This is why we have to celebrate, let's go!" The king moved off of his spot and smiled as Poppy started to talk his ear off at the new concert. I hiccuped at his answer as well as how fast he accepted me as his son without any sort of hesitation.

Soon Doctor Moonbloom, helped me get up as I was now being discharged again with Floyd holding me tightly as the brothers surrounded us.

Viva stuck around as the walking demi goddess went to go party plan with my new dad and happily started caressing my stomach excited about the endless possibilities of what our future children would look like.

I've never given their appearance a thought but if they're anything like Floyd I'd die from cuteness and probably end up spoiling them rotten.

But even if they didn't I'd still adore them anyway and with a final trek out of the hospital we were thrown into the world.

I pressed my palm against my abdomen and smiled as I was nuzzled into Floyd's throat as we walked back home the excitement of a party buzzing through our veins like blood as we moved to get ready.

I couldn't wait to see them, but I could only hope that time flies by.

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