The chiming of the grandfather clock across from us broke me out of my train of thought as it was bedtime, the most important yet difficult task of the day.

"C'mon June it's time for bed." My heart clenched as those lovely lapis lazuli eyes filled with tears. It was never an easy task to put the kids to bed especially when they started crying. The putting them to bed was easy especially since they went out like overwhelmed lightbulbs but the difficulty came from having to calm them down from their temper tantrums enough for them to even consider bed.

"Noooooooo babbie!" I picked her up and let her sob into my chest fluff as I rocked her back and forth as to settle her.

"I'm sorry June bug, but you have to sleep don't you want to be big like me and dada?" She answered me by rapidly shaking her head as her sobs quieted down into hiccups.

"You don't want dada to sing to you?" She seemed to completely die down her crying at the small recent tradition of Floyd's with him singing all the kids to sleep. The mini ritual started almost immediately after we brought them home with Floyd having the ability to use his voice to soothe them the same way he was willing to call upon that sugar bird to deliver our letter.

I knew that Juniper was especially a fan of her other father singing to her despite his supernatural ability to put her to sleep. I was proven correct as she shook her head again and clutched closer to me burrowing into my chest and hiccuped,

"I wove woo, I no wanna go away." I don't know and or understand how Floyd doesn't crumple or fold to their adorable pleas, I envied how he was so strong willed when it came to these kids meanwhile I was as gushy as a jellyfish on land. They were just so adorable and I really hate telling them no.

"Shhh it's not forever sweetheart, plus you me and dada are going out with aunt Poppy tomorrow remember? You'll have all day to spend with not only us cupcake but Ambrose and Hyacinth too."

"Woo promise?" Those wide doe blueberry colored eyes bore into mine as her periwinkle nose sniffled and I could feel my heart gushing at her cuteness.

"I promise June bug." My lips pressed themselves against her forehead as I clutched her tighter to me and started ascending the stairs to bring her to their shared bedroom that was right across from ours.

"K." She finally settled down as I placed her into her crib and pulled the blanket up and let her stuffed animals surround her, I glanced to already see Ambrose yapping excitedly to his favorite stuffed animal which happened to be a plush version of Mr. Dinkles.

His pink star themed pajamas were thrown over his crib and he just laid there in his diaper cooing at his plushie.

We seriously can't get that boy to wear his pajamas so me and Floyd just gave up and let him sleep in his diaper. He seemed much more comfortable that way, so we let it be.

Suddenly a crash happened and out came running my other daughter, giggling as her entire body was slathered in a thick goo. Upon smelling it, I rolled my eyes as she completely covered herself in peanut butter, god she even got it in and on her diaper. Floyd was right behind her losing his wits as she still held the fucking jar.

Hyacinth kept sticking her hand in and smothering the gooey peanut butter into her face as she giggled at my husband's horrified face. I swear that girl lives to torment him.

"Hyacinth." I moved in ready to be covered in the nutty smelling substance only to miss as she scrambled away from us, she put her hand to her face with her thumb on her nose as she blew raspberries at the both of us.

I was mistaken as these weeks have past, Juniper was my little sassafras who certainly had my attitude, Hyacinth however was my devious troublemaker. She wore the mask of angel but was a genuine demonic entity underneath.

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