Soft mornings - (Floyds pov)

Start from the beginning

"You're going to spend some time with my brother dearest." I never met Venner except the day he was brutally choked out in front of me as he sobbed. I didn't want to seem too eager to spend time with him especially since it means being away from her. She then picked up my crystal prison and strolled with almost a skip in her step and then suddenly opening the door, staring at him while he was sobbing on the phone with someone,

"What do you mean we're over?!" His blue eyes were wide and pained as he leaned against his vanity with his glittering blue phone case pressed up against his ear.

Velvet then suddenly delicately placed my cage on his dresser and left me alone to bare witness to her brother being broken up with.

I turned around watched as he crumbled as he put it on speaker,

"Look Ven-"

"Don't call me that!" He snarled into the phone as he waited the fool to shut up,

"I mean Veneer, I mean I don't want to be seen with you, no offense babe but you're kinda embarrassing plus You've been really angry at me ever since I cheated on you and it's bringing me down." I couldn't help but put my hand to my chest as I could feel my heart break for the doll like giant in front of me,

"You cheated on me yesterday! I'm so FUCKING DONE WITH YOU!" His voice growled as He hung up the call before throwing his phone into the mirror effectively shattering it entirely.

His eyes were wide as they just barely met mine and I could see what he fully looked like,

His hair was in a asymmetrical short bob that was a bit longer in the front with the front reaching down to his shoulder with the back kissing right behind his pierced ear.

his side swept bangs with a bit of a swoop was covering his left eye as the wavy strands moved fluidly with him.

His cheeks were stained obsidian from the running eyeliner which the streaks easily reached his chin.

I looked at the rundown state he was in and my heart pulsed with sympathy as he just looked so defeated and collapsed into his vanity the shards of mirror easily probably digging into his skin,

"I just want to be loved is that so hard to ask for?!" His sobs renewed with vigor and I couldn't help myself because I felt like I was grossly invading his privacy by no fault of my own.

He took a deep breath in and shivered, as he sobbed,

He then fiddled in the drawers and pulled out a picture, it was a green haired woman holding up two matching haired babies in her arms with her grin being quite infectious.

However I noticed that her eyes were a stunning rose gold color.

"Bro! You done being a baby yet?" Velvet's snarky remark

"What do I do momma?" He asked the picture as he sniffled as he started to clean his eyes and whispered something that I wasn't prepared for,

"Veneer!!" Loud banging was accompanied by her shrill scream of his name.

As he sighed his eyes finally met mine and I watched as all of the color drained from his face as he finally noticed me in my glittery cage.

But Velvet opening the door causing his mouth to suddenly ask her,

"Why is he here?!"  He snapped at her only for his head to be suddenly whipped to the side as she smacked him in his face.

"First of all lose that tone with me, I brought him here because I can't be the only one who has to hear you being a baby." I growled in silence at her dismissiveness.

"Plus you know how to take care of it, I mean you've had sparkles and your illegal pet monkey."  She was referring to me as an it, like I wasn't a sentient being that she caged for her own sick gain.

I sighed as I sadly realized that I'd be in Veneer's care until either I died or a miracle happened.


I'm glad that it was a miracle rather than dying but that was then, during my captivity, I'm now here with that same man that suffered so much from his biological sisters cruelty. His adorable nose twitched as his eyes squinted as the sun was finally draping itself across his face.

I stood then went out the room finally after getting dressed, I was thinking that maybe I could make us both something, maybe some strawberry pie with earl glitter tea.

It was a vigorous task especially with the way grandma used to make it but this beauty laying in my bed was certainly worth the effort.

I bent my head down to peck his pearlescent cheek only to be met with a gentle moan of sleepiness.

I sat up and left, excited about having breakfast together.


As I finished the final touches on the pie as it baked a sleepy groan of 'fuuuuuucccckkk' reached my ears and a chuckled at my boyfriends predicament.

To be fair I did warn him last night.

But then suddenly I heard water running and I figured he was now in the shower

But I was suddenly met with Veneer making his appearance downstairs with a cute puppy dog eyes as he poorly wrapped the sheer robe around him as the robe kept slipping off of his shoulders,

"I thought you were taking a shower."

"I was but I think it would be much better if you joined me." His flirty tone sent shockwaves to my heart. He then stepped closer and I blushed at his suggestion of being together in the shower.

I bit my lip and was awfully tempting especially since I did have to wait for the pie to cool.

"Please gumdrop." He fluttered his eyelashes at me and I nodded my head, at my non verbal response he gripped my hand and pulled me upstairs.

With his other hand he undid the knot he had tied earlier and let the opaque robe peel itself off of his body and pulled me closer to him.

He then looked me up and down and then purred,

"This outfit looks pretty on you.. but I think you look much prettier without it." He winked at me and moved into the shower letting the water soak his hair.

I let out a breathy love struck sigh as I piece by piece took off my clothes to join him.

When I finally got my final article of clothing off Ven took me by the hands and pulled me in letting my hair become soaked by the warm water.

He giggled as he pushed up my bangs and nuzzled his nose against mine. I pecked him on the lips.

I hope that we don't become too distracted by each other.

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