Nervous questions-(Floyd's pov)

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God he was so beautiful and I fiddled with the ring that sat heavily in my jacket pocket. His eyes not leaving mine as he tapped the ground seeking another brownie to stuff and without removing myself from those pretty sapphires I was able to slip my tail out and push the place towards his seeking hand, once those nails touched the gooey chocolate brownie he removed gaze from me and stuffed another brownie in, eating the whole thing whole, bouncing slightly at it's warm creaminess with the hardened chips that littered throughout the desert after he swallowed he again took a sip and swished the Star peach juice around in his mouth.

I looked at him again and he flashed those pearly white teeth at me and I couldn't help but tear up at how much he means to me, I adore this man even with his mouth covered in chocolate crumbs as he purred at being content with me.

I want to give him everything he deserves but I just have to gather the guts to say the magical 4 words. The four magic words that will change our status, stepping up in a sense.

"Floyd~ you can tell me anything Gumdrop, I'm here." He pressed our noses together as I looked at his face being bathed in an ethereal blue glow due to the bioluminescent water. With my thumb I wiped away the crumbs that littered his face, smiling as he was practically on top of me. I could see his tail thumping against the tulle of the dress as it itched to swing itself around in happiness.

I wasn't this nervous about something since I was introduced into the band when I turned 13 wanting to cry, throw up, pee my pants and run away, but I took a deep breath before I went rouge from Clay's speech for me, I wanted to pull from my heart for this one especially since I wanted to tell him my genuine thoughts and feelings,

"Veneer, I think that You deserve the world and all the good things it has to offer and I want to be the one there giving you every last desire your heart could ever want." I watched as his lip wobbled as he tried to hold in tears with a bamboozled look on his face wondering what I was leading into. I kept going continually moving and saying my truthful thoughts letting them again spill,

"You're one of the kindest beings and you have so many more adjectives I could use to describe how wonderful you are. You're everything I've ever wanted in a boyfriend, and so much more. I love spending time with you everything just seems right with you like a piece to a puzzle, and I can't imagine my life without you." His eyes resembled a river as he hiccuped at my sweet words, I took his face that was streaked in trails of ruined mascara and eyeliner in my hands and pushed our foreheads together as I kept going,

"I promise to always make you laugh even when you're sad, to always be there for you when you need me, and to never take you for granted." I gave him a soft kiss with him immediately pouncing on me wrapping his arms around my neck as his eyes fluttered closed. I felt the ring slip out of my pocket and hit the ground below causing the sound to temporarily depart the two of us,

I picked up his fallen engagement ring, it's glimmer caught my beloved's attention and his hand flew to his mouth effectively probably smearing his lipstick on his palms as crystalline pearls leak from his eyes as his sobs began a new.

I held out the ring and felt my own tears dribble out and down my face as I spoke with a hiccup as his eyes were lacquered as he whimpered at the ring that was nestled in the palm of my indigo hand.

"Will you marry me?" I paused only to be completely tackled by my fiancé only letting up on the bone crushing hug he ignited to look into my eyes as he placed thick soot colored kiss marks all over my face as he chanted yes.

I held him in my grasp as he huddled into my chest, I bit my lip and moved my tail to travel up the base of his spine feeling his purr becoming a shutter. As I used this as a distraction to slip the ring on his finger without him noticing.

"Oh Floyd you have a tail too!" His gaze grew excited about seeing my tail thump against the blanket in contentment and I couldn't help but laugh at his adorableness with his tail escaping from the open diamond shaped hole at the base of his spine.

He had a eureka moment as he tried to curl his tail with mine, I whipped mine away seeing him look at me in confusion about my unprecedented action.

My flush was fierce as I fiddled with the blanket then traveling my gaze back to him looking him in the eyes as I breathless told him,

"Before you do that, I need to let you know that if we intertwine tails that it means we're going to mate-" I let out a soft whimper as Veneer pinned me down and straddled my flank as he leaned down and pecked my neck.

I suddenly felt a tug on my indigo tail as Veneer's curled around mine and pulled with his canine biting his lip as he tenderly started rubbing himself against me.

I gasped as his nails went up my chest as those gorgeous azureous eyes were hazy with lust.

This was it.

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