Chapter twenty-two

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And now blocked it all out

I feel happy finally

Percy stepped out of the van. He slowly closed the door and stared at the cabin. He could already feel the tears pressing against his eyes.

Chiron stepped out of the van and walked up to his side. Argus smiled behind the steering wheel and drove off.

The centaur placed a hand on Percy's shoulder, "Take your time, son." He spoke softly.

And he did. He stood on the road staring at the cabin for a long time before he shakily took a breath. Then he took a step. Then another and another.

Chiron followed him, while keeping his hand on Percy's shoulder. They walked up to the cabin. Percy stared at the stairs up the porch. Why was this so hard?

Chiron squeezed his shoulder which gave him the energy and courage to take the three steps up the stairs. They walked over to the door and Percy stared some more.

"Do you want to knock?" Chiron asked him. When Percy didn't answer the centaur then asked him, "Do you want me to knock on the door for you?"

Percy slowly nodded. The centaur smiled and knocked on the door.

They waited a few minutes until the door slowly opened to reveal a small girl. Her brown eyes grew big when she saw the horseman.

"Horse!" She yelled. A big smile spread on the wise centaurs face.

"Hello," Chiron smiled, "What is your name, young heroine?" he asked.

"Morgan," She spoke proudly.

"Morgan, that is such a pretty name for such a beautiful young lady." Chiron complimented her. She blushed and looked down. "Could you perhaps find your mother for us? Percy here needs her," he smiled.

She looked up and looked at Percy, an even bigger smile spread on her young face. "Percy!" she giggled and jumped onto him. A small smile grew on Percy's face, and he hugged her back. "I'll go get mommy!" She let go of him and ran off into the cabin.

"She's a sweetheart," Chiron looked at the demigod.

He nodded, "She really is," he whispered.

Soon Pepper appeared in the doorway. Her eyes grew big, and a smile appeared on her face when she looked at Percy.

"Percy," she greeted him with a smile. Her eyes then landed on Chiron. She frowned, "Eh... Hello?"

"Hello," Chiron smiled at her, "My name is Chiron, and I am Percy Jackson's camp activities director at the camp he attends to every summer." He held out his hand.

Pepper slowly shook it and eyed Chiron, "You're... You're half horse,"

"Oh, yes," he smiled. "We will explain everything if you would let us inside." She nodded and stepped aside. Percy and Chiron entered, and Percy walked over to the couch and sat down. Chiron walked over to stand next to it.

"Uhm, you can just... I don't know, lay down if you want?" Pepper slowly walked around Chiron to sit down in a chair."

He smiled softly, "This is fine, thank you." She nodded then fixed her eyes on the young demigod.

"We've been worried about you," she spoke up. "I'm not sure how you left, you flew on a winged horse, or you took a small plane."

"It was Blackjack, my Pegasus." Percy spoke quietly. Pepper nodded. He swallowed and fiddled with the end of his shirt. "So, I guess I owe you an explanation..." he said with a quiet voice. Pepper only watched him. "I... I never got to tell Tony..." he swallowed.

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