Chapter twenty-one

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I had to leave it all behind to seize the day

I block out the carousels screaming for me

It felt wrong as soon as Tony had fought Thanos for the glove. When Thanos had snapped his fingers and realized he didn't have the stones.

Percy watched with a racing heart as Tony raised his hand. The nanotech moved the stones into place. His uncle gasped.

"And I..." Tony breathed heavily.

No. Tony no. Percy stared at his uncle. This felt wrong.

"No," Percy whispered. He stepped forward, but the stupid Strange man grabbed his arm. He looked up at the man. Doctor Strange shook his head.

"" Percy turned and looked at his uncle.

He shook his head. "Don't do this," he wanted to yell it, but his voice was merely a whisper. He dropped Riptide. It clattered as it hit the ground.

"...Ironman," He snapped his fingers. A huge light enveloped the whole field and Percy turned his head away and covered his eyes with his arm. When the light died down, he turned to look at his uncle. Was he okay?

He saw him sit down and lean up against the wreckage of something. His eyes widened. The right side of Tony's face looked like a pizza. He stared at his uncle.

He breathed heavily. Tony looked up at Rhodes.

The young kid in the jumpsuit jumped down and looked at Tony.

"Mr. Stark?" he asked. "Hey," he cried. "Mr. Stark? Can you hear me?" His voice was shaky. "We've beat him. Hey... we won," he looked into the man's eyes. "Mr. Stark. We won Mr. Stark. We won, you did it sir, you did it. I'm sorry, Tony," he cried. Pepper came over and softly pulled him off Tony.

Percy stared at the scene.

Pepper kneeled down in front of him, "Hey,"

Tony's mouth moved, but Percy couldn't hear what was said.

She placed a hand on his arc reactor, "FRIDAY?" she asked.

"Life functions critical," the AI spoke.

"Tony? Look at me," he slowly turned his head and looked at her. He grunted, "We're gonna be okay," She nodded, his head turned slightly to the side. "You can rest now." She spoke softly.

The arc reactor slowly died out and Tony's hand fell from Peppers.

Percy stared. His whole world seemed to stop. He wasn't gone. Tony wasn't gone. He couldn't just be gone. Pepper hugged him and cried.

Percy slowly blinked. Tony wasn't gone. He couldn't die.

Slowly every person who had fought on their side got down and kneeled to the passed away hero. Percy stood, still staring at his uncle. Someone said something to him, but he couldn't hear it. Everything was muffled.

This had to be a dream.

He felt nothing. He didn't feel empty, but there were no positive or negative emotions in his body. His mind was blank. How could Tony just die? He couldn't just die. This had to be a joke. Tears weren't crawling down his cheeks. He couldn't even cry. Why couldn't he cry? His uncle was gone. He wasn't crying. Why wasn't he crying?

He had lost so many people. Tony had promised him that he would be there for him. He had promised him that Percy would never be alone again. Now Tony had left him. He had no one. Someone placed a hand on Percy's shoulder, but he barely acknowledged it. Why was he dead?

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