Chapter fourteen

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I don't know, I don't know

Should I stay or should I go?

Tony carried Percy inside the tower even though the boy was heavy. His head was leant against his chest and the photo album was lying on the kid's chest. Tony stepped into the elevator and managed to press the button for the main floor.

He stepped out of the elevator with Percy and walked into the living room.

"Tony! How are-"

"Shh!" the billionaire shushed Clint who immediately shut his mouth as his eyes landed on Percy. "He's sleeping," whispered Tony.

Tony walked into the hallway and down to Percy's room where he put him in the bed. He took the photo album and stared at it for a few seconds before putting it on his bedside table. The kid would show him if he wanted him to know about his life. He had to respect the kid's boundaries. Tony sat on the bed and quietly watched Percy sleep.

Percy woke up the next day snuggled into someone's chest. He opened his eyes, confused as to who it was. He remembered falling asleep in the car, but not getting into a bed. He looked up and stared into the face of his uncle. He had an arm wrapped around Percy and held him close. A small smile dawned on the boy's face, and he moved closer to his uncle, thankful that he had stayed during the night.

"You should be ashamed of yourself." A voice broke through the silence and Percy opened his eyes; the small smile gone. He looked over his shoulder to see a girl with wisps of black and silver hair, with green eyes looked at him. Her eyes swirled with anger, and she looked to be about seven.

Percy opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

"Are you happy?" She raised an eyebrow. "Mom and dad are both dead because of you, and you're here, being happy."

The blood drained from Percy's face and his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. "What?" whispered he.

"You didn't know? Mom was pregnant when you got her killed." She snapped at him. Percy stared at his unborn sister. His skin felt cold. His mom had been pregnant when she had died, Percy knew that, but he hadn't really understood or processed what that meant. He could've had a sister. A little sister.

"I... I'm sorry," Percy whispered. "I didn't..."

"Know?" She finished the sentence and raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah right." She crossed her arms and tears sprang from her eyes. "I trusted you." She cried. "I trusted you and you failed me."

"I'm so sorry," Percy whispered with tears in his eyes. "I- I..."

Tony stirred next to him but kept on sleeping.

"You should just shut up." His sister cried. "Nobody wants to listen to someone who's untrustworthy." Percy blinked a few tears away. "Right, mom?" She looked over her shoulder and Percy's eyes landed on his mom.

She nodded with her arms crossed across her chest. "I thought I had raised you well, Percy." Said she. "But apparently, you're lying and all sorts of different things. You told Jason and Nico you were fine, but are you really? I know for sure you aren't. You've been through two wars." She reminded Percy who looked down. He knew they were only hallucinations, but they both seemed so real.

"You've been through Tartarus; you've even survived Gabe." She reasoned. Percy looked up with wide eyes.

"G-Gabe?" he whispered; his voice shook slightly. "I- I never told you about him..."

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