Chapter eleven

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It's getting slower, slower

There's a hole in my heart

All he could see was red. His breathing was uneven and fast. His heart was racing. His vision blurry and red. His hands were wet. The tiles on the wall were cold against his bare back. He closed his eyes as the world spun. A tear trickled down his cheek. A ringing sounded in his ears as he took a shaky breath. He felt numb.

He didn't mean to end up like this.

He didn't mean to do this.

Twenty minutes ago, he had been in the living room, talking to Jason and Nico. The Avengers had met them.

Then when Jason and Nico had left, Percy left to go to his room. Before he could enter the room, Jason was in the hallway.

"I thought you left?" Percy asked.

The son of Jupiter rolled his eyes. "Gods you're stupid. I didn't leave." He spoke. "I told you I was going to wait for you, but you never showed up. You left me to die." Percy frowned. He left him?

"Jason I..."

"Save it Jackson! I don't want to hear your sorry excuses. You say your parents is dead, yet you're completely fine and already have a new family!" He hissed at him.


"Nico and I just wanted to be nice, but you were so rude to tell us to go to hell. We just wanted to make sure you were okay. But you're celebrating! You're celebrating they're dead! You are an ungrateful little bitch!" He yelled at Percy.

His eyes watered as he stared at the son of Jupiter. He tried to speak, but no sound came out.

"Nico even told me he liked you, but after you told him to kill himself, he was heartbroken. Now he's dead because of you!"

"I... I never told him to... He's not... he was here!" Percy stuttered and tried to reason with the demigod. "F-five minutes ago! He was here..." He whispered.

Jason snorted. "Was he?"

Percy frowned and stared at the blank spot Jason had been in. He hitched in a shaky breath and opened the door to his room and closed it after him.

His vision was blurry. He couldn't make out his surroundings anymore. All he could see was white and red. Black spots had started to pop up occasionally. His head hung low as he hitched in a breath. He had no idea how long he had been on the bathroom floor. All he knew was that the tiles were cold against his hot skin.

Jason was right. He was an ungrateful little bitch. He didn't deserve anything he got his way. He wasn't grateful. He deserved to die.

I deserve to die.

His eyes grew heavy, and he took a shaky breath.

He deserved this. He thought as he fell into unconsciousness.


He woke up in a bed. He blinked repeatedly as the light was sharp to the darkness behind his eyelids. He glanced around, noticing he was not in a room, but a room with machines wired to him.

They had found him.

He was tired and felt numb as he laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. He had nothing to do. He wanted to do something. His legs were itching, but he didn't have the energy to sit up and do something about it. He closed his eyes and sighed. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to disappear. He wanted to die. He had nothing left. He had lost his parents. His girlfriend. Gods... he had lost his dear Annabeth. He missed her so much. All he wished for was to say goodbye to her and hug her. Just hold her in his arms and kiss her. Just one last time.

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