Chapter nineteen

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And I can't breathe and I can't think

I can speak, but it don't matter because nobody listens anyways

The Avengers assembled.

They had formed a circle and were all suited up.

"Everyone know where they're going?" Steve asked. He received nods and yesses from the others. "Good."

"See you in a minute," Natasha smiled. Before they all traveled back in time.

Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Scott Lang showed up in New York City.

"Are we in the right year?" Steve asked. Before any of them could come up with an answer, past Hulk jumped down and threw his fists angrily down at a car. They all stared at the Hulk as he utterly destroyed the poor car and yelled. Soon he ran away.

"I..." Banner was at a loss of words.

"Yeah..." Tony swallowed. "I guess you'll just run around like that." He shrugged. Banner slowly moved forward and poorly punched a car and yelled. "Come on, give me some life." He complained, "He's definitely not winning any awards on acting," he muttered to Scott who began laughing.

"We're going to grab the mind stone, while Banner goes for the time stone." Steve told Tony and Scott, while Banner left. "And I'm thinking it'll be near Loki." He glanced up at the Stark Tower.

They all began walking towards the Stark Tower, when Scott almost got ran over by a horse.

"Holy cow!" He yelled and stumbled back, pressing a hand against his chest.

"Uhm," Tony squinted his eyes, "I'm pretty sure that was a horse..." He slowly spoke and looked at Antman.

"Dude, the horse had wings!" Scott exclaimed.

"I'm sure you're just tripping," Tony dismissed him. They continued walking and making their way towards the Stark Tower while they tried to avoid the Chitauri and their past selves.

They were getting closer and closer, until they were stopped by a cry.

"Percy!" A female voice yelled. "Where are you going?" Tony stopped in his tracks and turned towards the voice. His eyes widened as he saw a familiar, yet younger looking, boy run across the street towards a blue Prius. He yanked at the car door, but it seemed to be locked.

Tony began walking towards the boy, but Steve grabbed his shoulder.

"Tony, we need to get going. He's going to be fine." He assured the man who was related to the boy.

"He looks so... young." Tony breathed and stared at him. A girl was speaking to him and suddenly a man on a horse walked over to them. They exchanged a few words. Suddenly Percy drew a baseball bat from nowhere and cut through the window of the car. They spoke again and the man on the horse nodded. Their conversation was interrupted by a mechanic thump. It grew louder in the distance. Tony looked up to the sky and spotted a helicopter. Suddenly it tipped forward. Tony frowned.

"Do you think we should interfere?" He asked as he watched the helicopter.

"We probably shouldn't... But it looks like it's going to crash." Steve spoke. Suddenly a horse with wings flew down and landed next to Percy and his two friends. Percy and his blonde friend jumped onto the Pegasus back and they flew up to the helicopter, while the man on the horse, began moving the car to safety.

"I..." Steve looked perplexed, "I think they're going to be okay. Let's keep moving." He spoke.

"Wait," Tony squinted his eyes at the helicopter. "I know that company. Dare Enterprises. I often have dinners with them and stuff like that." He looked to his friends with wide eyes.

Steve and Scott stared at Tony for a second before they at the same time spoke, "Let's go!"

"We need to retrieve the Mind Stone and not getting caught." Scott explained.

They began moving again, but sometimes, Tony would glance back at his nephew, to see if he could get a look at him and make sure the kid was alright.

"I saw him." He muttered to himself. "He looks so young." He kept whispering to himself. "So young."

He then looked at Scott, "I don't think you were tripping. I saw the winged horse too."

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