Chapter five

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I'm going around, around on a carousel

My heartbeat stops

The car stopped in the garage of the Avengers Tower half an hour after midnight. Percy's eyes had grown heavy, but he refused to fall asleep. He hadn't been sleeping enough this last month, he either laid sleepless at night or he woke up after an hour or two due to nightmares. And in the car, he couldn't be strapped down... his mom always made sure to strap him down, he knew it hurt her, but it was the best for him. Or else he would hurt himself in his sleep. It had happened twice since the Giant War.

Tony turned the car off and locked it when Percy had stepped out of it. He was still hugging his bag tightly as if his life depended on it. They walked through a door and up a few stairs when they came into what Percy could only assume was the lobby. Tony walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. Percy swallowed and slowly walked over to his uncle. He stared at the floor and tightened his grip around his bag.

"Coming, kid?" Tony asked and walked into the elevator; he held the doors open. Percy slowly stepped inside and pressed himself into the corner and closed his eyes. Tony pressed a button, and the elevator began moving. He had his eyes clenched shut tightly, and his breathing was faster than usual.

He wanted Annabeth.

Blonde princess curls appeared behind his shut eyelids.

She smiled at him. "Percy," her voice was soft. She opened her eyes and Percy tried to walk over to her, but he was stuck.

"Annabeth." He breathed out. The air grew cold around him, and goosebumps appeared on his arms. Annabeth's smile slowly started to fade.

"How could you betray her like that?" A voice spoke out. Percy glanced around and when his eyes again landed on Annabeth, her body was bloody, and her shirt ripped. Her hair was messy and hung in cakes of dirt and blood.

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled out. A sword was in her stomach. "No!" Percy tried to run towards her, but he could move. "No! Annabeth!" He screamed.

"You betrayed her Percy." The voice spoke again.

"No," he breathed out. A tear crawled down his cheek. "No, I... Please come back."

"How could you just leave her on the battlefield?"

The scenery changed to the battlefield at Camp Half-Blood, blood was splattered everywhere, and limps from demigods laid around. In the middle of everything, Annabeth's lifeless body was placed.

"You didn't even try to help her." The voice said. "You gave up on her."

"N-No I didn't! I- I love her! I would... I would never leave her." Percy cried.

"But you did." The voice hissed at him.

A woman appeared in front of him. Not just any woman. His mom.

"Mom?" Percy asked. His lower lip quivered.

"Mom? Is that what you call me? You left her, just like you left me." She spoke. Percy recognized her voice as the one that had spoken before.

"Wha... No mom." Percy reached out to hug her, but his arms went right through her.

"You betrayed her. You betrayed me. You betrayed everyone." She hissed at him. "You are not worthy to be my son."

Percy shook his head. "Please... Don't say that mom." His voice cracked.

"It's true, and you know it." She spoke. "Look, they tried to help Annabeth, but where were you?"

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