Chapter ten

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I'm going around, around on a carousel

My heartbeat stops

Percy was sitting on his bed, fiddling with his feet, when an Iris Message appeared in front of him. He quickly moved his hand away from his feet. On the other side he could see Camp Half-Blood, he could skim the Big House and Thalia's Pine Tree in the distance. Jason's smiling head popped up. "Percy!" He exclaimed loudly. His bright blue eyes shone in the sun. "How's it going? How is Sally and Paul doing?" He asked happily.

Percy looked down and took a deep breath. He hadn't told any of his friends about their deaths. It was too painful. But they deserved to know. They loved them too... "They... They're dead." He whispered.

"What'd you say? I couldn't hear you." Jason smiled softly. Percy looked up at him with tears in his sea green eyes. The son of Jupiter's smile faltered.

"They're gone." He said louder. Jason stared at him.

"Oh yeah, you told me that right after you found out." Percy frowned.


"Yes you did! You also told Piper, Leo, and the rest of the seven. Just right after you had found your parents dead in your room." Jason told him with a small smile on his lips.

Why were he smiling? Percy's mom and stepdad were dead.

"I... I didn't tell you." Percy whispered to himself. He hadn't told any of his friends.

"But you did." Jason's voice sounded annoyed and when Percy looked at his friend again, sparks were flying around him. "You shouldn't be happy about their deaths, Percy." He said.

"I'm not! I'm devasta..." His voice cracked. "I'm devastated... I-I'm completely devastated." He whispered to himself and pulled his legs up to his chin and curled down into a fetal position.

"Bye, Perseus." Jason said and the Iris Message disappeared.

Percy tried to push it down, but he couldn't stop the tears. Soon his cheeks and the bedsheets were wet.

"Percy..." Jason looked at his friend through the Iris Message. "What are you talking about?"

But Percy didn't hear him. Jason looked worried at him. "I'm coming over, where are you?" He asked. But the demigod received no answer. "Stay where you are, I'm getting Nico." He said and swiped through the Iris Message.


"Mr. Stark, it appears Mr. Jackson is talking to himself." Jarvis Tony's AI spoke. "Do you want me to pull up the footage?"

Bruce looked up from the book he was reading. "You told Jarvis to spy on the kid?" Bruce asked and frowned.

Tony nodded, "Yes, after Perseus' nightmares, I've asked Jarvis to have an eye on him. Just in case Perseus hurts himself."

"But it doesn't sound like Perseus is harming himself right now, just talking to himself." Bruce said and put his book down on the table.

"I know... Maybe we should watch it, Jarvis wouldn't tell me if it wasn't important, Jarvis can you please show us the foo..."

"No! We are not going to spy on him. He deserves privacy." Steve interrupted.

"But..." Tony started again.

"No, Tony." Steve looked him in the eyes and Tony sighed defeated.

"Fine." He crossed his arms. "But when he had a nightmare, he was hurting himself."

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