Chapter seven

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And I can't breathe and I can't think

I can speak, but it don't matter because nobody listens anyways

Steve made pancakes. Tony left to find some proper clothes for Percy, so he didn't walk around in his clothes that was filled with blood. Percy found it weird that Steve didn't question the bloodstains on his clothes, but maybe the man was just being polite or else it was normal for him. Percy couldn't tell.

While Steve was baking pancakes, Percy accidentally dropped blue food dye in the batter. Steve stared at the batter when he noticed it was blue, then he glanced at Percy who looked tired, yet innocently at him. A small smile appeared on Steve's face as he continued to make pancakes.
Percy didn't know how many people lived in the tower. He knew Tony, Clint and Steve did. So, when a brown-haired man showed up, he was surprised. Then a redhead showed up. And then some blonde dude who looked a lot like a Ken doll.

The redhead introduced herself as Natasha, when she noticed Percy's unfamiliar face. The brown-haired man was Bruce, the one Tony had been talking about earlier. And the Ken doll was Thor. Apparently, Ken doll was a God.

Percy had changed into a new t-shirt and a new pair of pants, that he got from Tony.

The redhaired woman stared confused at the plate in front of her that had two blue pancakes on.

"Why blue pancakes?" Natasha asked and poked to the blue pancakes on her plate with her fork.

"It was Percy who spilled blue food dye into the batter. I'm still not sure if it was an accident or not." Steve explained as he looked at Percy, who was breaking small pieces off the pancake and putting them into his mouth. Percy glanced up to find everyone looking at him with puzzled faces. He quickly realized that they wanted an explanation. So, he shrugged.

That must be enough of an explanation, he thought.

His mom used to dye their food blue. He had only spilled the blue food dye into the batter because he needed comfort food. But all the blue pancakes did, was bring up memories of his mom. Which he didn't need because he didn't want to break down again. He was weak.

The room was quiet as they continued to eat. Percy started to fiddle with the pancakes, not wanting to eat more.

"Fine I'll do it." He heard Tony mumble. Percy glanced up and got eye contact with his new uncle. "So uhm... Percy..." He started out, he sounded nervous. "Since you're going to live here, since I adopted you..."

"Wait you adopted the kid?" Natasha interrupted him.

Tony nodded, "Yes. I did."

"Can you even take care of a kid?" She raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Uh... Maybe, maybe not, who knows?" Tony shrugged carelessly.

Natasha sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why did you adopt a kid, Tony?"

Percy swallowed. He wasn't a kid. He was slowly getting tired of getting called it, but he didn't want to say anything. His voice would only fail him.

"Uhm..." Tony gulped. "Something happened yesterday, so I was called over and I adopted him." He elaborated a bit.

"What happened?" Thor asked curiously, clearly not noticing that Tony was glancing worried at the teenager.

"Something bad..." He spoke slowly.

"Something bad?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

Tony nodded.

"Like what?" Natasha pushed him. Tony looked over at Percy. Percy stared at the table and fiddled with his hands under the table. The young boy bit his lip to not make any sounds.

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