Chapter fifteen

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I don't know, I don't know

Should I stay or should I go?

Percy woke up in a cold sweat. His breathing was rapid, and his chest heaved up and down faster than normal. His clamped hands were wet with sweat and his shirt clung to his body. He swung his legs over the bed and muttered under his breath. He wiped his forehead and pushed himself up to stand.

He dragged his feet over the floor and opened his door. He wiped at his forehead and stepped out in the chill hallway. His bare feet shuffled across the floor, bringing him closer to the one person he needed. His hair was a mess, it clung to his forehead, almost dripping with sweat. His breathing was uneven as he moved in front of the closed door. His eyes stared at the doorknob for quite some time before his hand rose and he pushed it down. The door creaked open, to reveal a dark room.

"Tony?" Percy's whisper was barely audible. His eyes landed on the empty bed and his heart dropped. He had left. His uncle had left him.

His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. His hand that had rested on the doorknob fell down to his side as he stared at the empty bed. Tony had given up on him. He knew it wouldn't happen at some point, but it still hurt. A tear crawled down Percy's cheek, but he aggressively wiped it away. He clenched together his teeth and took a deep breath. He had to fight it. If his uncle had really left, then it meant that there was no hope for him. No hope of him getting better. No hope of him ever being happy again. He deserved this. He deserved to die. His thoughts were clouded by dark skies as he turned around and walked down the dark hallway. He clenched his hands, causing his nails to bore into his palms.

He wiped a tear away from his face, but more came quicker than he could wipe so he just let them fall. He was a burden to everyone.

"Percy?" he froze in his tracks and turned around to look at the person. Tony stood at the bottom of the hallway with a cup of probably coffee in his hand. He squinted his eyes in the dark to look at the demigod. "What are you doing out here? Why are you awake?" he asked and slowly began walking closer to him. Percy set off running towards the billionaire and jumped at him. He wrapped his arms and legs around Tony who stumbled back with a huff and dropped his mug before he wrapped his arms around the demigod.

"Everything alright, kid?" he whispered to Percy who buried his face in his neck. The demigod only nodded silently into the neck. He was okay now. As long as Tony was there, he'd be okay. "Okay," he whispered and rubbed his back. "Okay."

Tony slowly walked down the hallway towards his room, he pushed open the door and walked in. He walked over to the bed and sat down. Percy sat in his lap, still clinging to him like a baby monkey.

"I've been thinking about something," Tony slowly spoke. Percy pulled away so he could look at him, and he saw the nervousness in his uncle's eyes. Tony stared into Percy's red eyes. "I think we should sign you up for some therapy lessons..." he swallowed, "Don't get mad at me, but I think you need help... help I can't give or Bruce or any other." He spoke seriously.

Percy stared at him for a few minutes without saying anything, clearly stressing Tony out. Therapy. So he was that bad, huh?

"He just wants you to leave. You're helpless." Leo Valdez looked at him, his eyes aflame.

Percy closed his eyes and slowly nodded. Tony let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"So, you want to try it out?" He asked.

Percy nodded again, this time looking at Tony, "Yes," he whispered. Tony simply smiled and pulled Percy closer to him and rubbed his back. Percy closed his eyes and leaned into the billionaires embrace.

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