Chapter sixteen

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I don't know, I don't know

Should I stay or should I go?

Five months later...

Lillian sat across from the dark-haired boy with slumped shoulders, with a beaming smile on her face.

"We've come a long way since we started," she told him. He looked at her and shrugged, not really caring at the moment. "Is there anything you want to talk about, before I go on vacation?" She tilted her head a bit to the side.

Percy shrugged again, "I don't know." He slowly said and glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall. He wanted to go home, but there was still half an hour left of the session.

"Okay, how has the hallucinations been lately? Are they more frequent, or do you think it has helped to talk about them?" She asked.

He looked back at her and shrugged. "It's the same, I guess..." he mumbled.

"So, you still see them on a frequent basis and think they're really there?" She asked frowning.

He quickly shook his head. "No, I meant the same as last time." He said and then explained, "Sometimes I see them, usually... usually Annabeth, but she's just standing there, looking at me. She never... she never speaks to me." he stumbled a bit through the sentence but said what he wanted.

Lillian smiled and nodded, sometimes Percy really wished he could just wipe that smile off her face, it had begun to annoy him a lot after three sessions a week for five months.

"That's good, it's progress." She nodded, "Do you see the others? Jason? Leo? Sally?" she listed a few of the people Percy had seen in the past.

He shook his head, "Only on rare occasions when I'm down or my feelings are out of control."

"Okay," she scribbled something down in her notebook she had with her at every session. His name was printed into the cover. She had begun writing in it when they had had their first session, and after five months she only had a few pages left in her notebook - apparently there was a lot to write down about him during the sessions. They had also talked a lot about some of the wars he'd been through, though he had called them fights at school and that kind of stuff, so she could understand. And he didn't have to bust the Greek world to her.

Which made him realize, that maybe... maybe he should tell his uncle about the Greek gods. Just so he knew that about him, but he didn't have the guts to tell him.

"Anything else?" Lillian asked. He shook his head. He just wanted to go home. "Okay, what do you say about me giving you some homework?" She tilted her head.

Percy frowned, "Homework?"

"Yes, I want you to write down five things you did in the holiday that made you happy. You can do that, right?" She smiled.

Slowly Percy nodded.

"Great! Well then, I think we can end this early today." She said, "I'll see you in two weeks."

Percy nodded and got up from the chair. He grabbed his jacket and threw it over his arm.

"See you," he nodded and closed the door after him. He walked down the hallway. A lime green carpet lay on the floor, turning the room so much lighter.

He walked down the stairs and opened the door to the busy street. He inhaled deeply before scanning the parked cars for Tony's. He said he'd pick him up after his session, but Percy did not see the black BMW anywhere. Had he taken another car? He slowly began walking down the street, thinking that if Tony was late, he'd see Percy walking.

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