Chapter six

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It's getting slower, slower

There's a hole in my heart

The orange and red leaves lifted from the ground when the wind grabbed them. They flew around each other like they were playing tag. Percy smiled at the thought. He missed the old days where he didn't have to worry about another war or another monster attack. He just wanted to stay where he was. Stay on this hill, on this blanket, with the woman he loved the most in the whole wide world and his lovely parents. He looked at his family and smiled. He was happy.

"Do you want anything to eat, sweetie?" Sally asked Percy with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll take a..." His voice trailed off. A cloud hid the sun, and the air became cold. Percy looked up. "I think it's going to rain." He spoke and looked at his family again. But this time they were lying down. Annabeth had a stab wound in her stomach and was bleeding severely. He looked at his parents. Paul was lying on his back; his face was pale and had a yellow tint to it. His eyes moved to his mom. She was lying on her side, her stomach bleeding.

"Mom!" Percy yelled and moved from Annabeth's body to hers. He reached out to help her but noticed the bloody sword in his hand. He widened his eyes and stared at it. Anaklusmos was drenched in blood, his hands were splattered with blood. He dropped his sword and stumbled back and held a hand over his mouth.

"No," he whispered and kneeled with tears in his eyes. "No."

He opened his eyes and noticed the orange and red leaves lifted from the ground when the wind grabbed them. They flew around each other like they were playing tag. Percy smiled at the thought. He missed the old days where he didn't have to worry about another war or another monster attack. He just wanted to stay where he was. Stay on this hill, on this blanket, with the woman he loved the most in the whole wide world and his lovely parents. He looked at his family and smiled. He was happy...

Percy shot up, gasping for air with a thin layer of sweat covering his pale skin. His heart raced as he looked around the room. Where was he? He wasn't at home. He wasn't at camp. He didn't recognize the room. His breathing was uneven as he tried to remember where he was. He looked down and saw red. His bed and clothes were filled with blood. Then it hit him like a flash. His mom and Paul. They were dead. Gone. Tears threatened to spill as Percy looked at his bloody arms. He had scratched himself in his sleep. He hadn't been strapped down.

A sob escaped him as the tears finally fell from his eyes. He hid his face in his hands and cried. He heard the door open but didn't look up. The bed creaked from the person sitting down on it. Arms got wrapped around Percy and he leaned against the person and cried.

"Shh, it's okay." The voice whispered softly. Warm tears hit the person's shoulders as Percy cried. A hand moved in slow soothing circles on his back. "It's going to be okay." Tony whispered in a calming voice. "Just let it out."

Percy sobbed onto Tony's shoulder, while his uncle hugged him. Slowly Percy started to calm down, though the tears kept falling. Tony pulled away to look at Percy. The demigod looked down and Tony followed his eyes and gasped.

"Oh my God," he exclaimed quietly as he saw Percy's arms. "Did you do..." He started but stopped himself. "Come on, let's go get you fixed up." Tony said instead. Percy slowly nodded and got up. Tony had a hand on Percy's back and guided him out of his room and down the hallway. Percy yawned as it still was dark outside, and he probably had only slept two or three hours. He didn't know yet. He hadn't seen a clock around.

They walked into the living room and Percy was placed on the couch. Tony left, but soon came back with a small first aid kit. He kneeled in front of Percy and opened the first aid kit.

"Usually, I would get Bruce to do this, but seeing as you don't know him yet and this seems a bit personal, I won't ask him for help." Tony told him. "So, if the bandage gets a bit messy, then you know why." He looked up at Percy. Percy looked at him as Tony began cleaning the wounds.

He had killed his mom.

He watched as Tony began wrapping up his arms.

He had killed Paul.

Tony secured the bandage and closed the first aid kit.

He had killed Annabeth.

"There you go." Tony said. A tear crawled down Percy's cheek. "Oh, kiddo." Tony said as he looked at Percy. He got up in the couch and hugged Percy's head. "Just breathe, okay?" He told the young hero. The demigod sniffled.

It was his fault that they were dead.

"Just breathe,"

He had failed them.

"Shh." Tony cooed. Percy sniffled and reached up to wipe his eyes. 

Gods this was embarrassing, he thought.

Tony smiled and let go of Percy. "How about I tell Steve to make some breakfast for us?" Tony asked and looked at him.

Percy frowned slightly. Who was Steve? "Steve?" He asked with a small raspy voice.

Tony nodded. "Yeah, come on. I'll show you him. It's five in the morning, so he should get up around this time." His uncle said and yawned. He stood up and followed his uncle out in the kitchen where they found the so-called Steve.

"Good morning, Tony," Steve said and turned around and smiled. "Finally decided to hop along on my morning jog?" He asked.

"Haha... No. The kid needs food, and I am unable to cook." Tony said and pointed to Percy. Steve looked at the kid and smiled.

"I don't believe we have met." He said and held out his hand. "I'm Steve Rogers." He looked at the raven black haired teenager who had dark bags under his red swollen eyes.

Percy looked at the hand, and slowly took it. They shook hands and when Percy let go again, he wrapped his arms around himself.

"This is my newly found nephew, Perseus Jackson." Tony introduced him when he realized all Percy did was shake Steve's hand. Steve nodded and smiled.

"So what do you want for breakfast, kid?" Steve asked and turned around to open the fridge. Percy didn't answer him. He wasn't hungry.

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