S1, Ep 14: Wing It Like Witches

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Boscha's Room

(The chapter starts with Boscha with her hair down in her bedroom, which is filled with various trophies. She looks into her mirror)

Boscha: You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared.

(As she speaks, she puts her hair into the usual bun then stands up, putting on a varsity jacket before heading for the door)

Boscha: Most important of all, you are a winner.

(Boscha rips off a page of her calendar before walking out the door, revealing the whole month has been marked "Grudgby Season")


(Boscha walks through Bonesborough ribbling a grudgby ball, passing several mesmerized onlookers)

Old Woman 1: There she goes, captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside.

(Another old woman looks down at her child with disappointment)

Old Woman 2: Why can't you be more like her?

(The child breathes in deeply with an annoyed expression)


(Boscha approaches Hexside, with a banner reading "Go get 'em, Banshees" magically unfurling over the school. Boscha snaps her fingers and Skara, Amelia, and Cat form up behind her)

Boscha: Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first.

(She enters the school)

Boscha: Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. Groveling line starts here.

(She looks around)

Boscha: Something's not right. Nobody's here!

(She hears students laughing from a distance. Boscha peers around a corner, spotting a crowd of students gathered around Willow, who is holding a potted plant)

Hexside Student: No way!

Potions Student: Do me next. Do me!

(Willow uses her magic, the plant sprouting a fruit looking like the potions student's face. The student takes it)

Potions Student: Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow.

(Willow blushes)

Willow: Aw, shucks!

Bird Student: Yeah, Willow rules!

(Boscha walks past with her posse)

Boscha: Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad.

(Amity walks past them)

Amity: Oh, please! You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?

(The crowd of students laugh causing Boscha to become angered)

Boscha: Oh, this is not gonna fly.

-----Time Skip-----

(Outside of Hexisde. Eda, Y/n and Luz fly in on Eda's staff)

Luz: Our first grudgby season! I'm so excited!

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