S1, Ep 5: The Intruder

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The Owl House

(In the living room of the Owl House, Luz is recording king)

Luz: And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the King of Demons.

(The video zooms out to show King trying to tear a sock off his nose)

Luz: Facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock!

(King grunts and tears the sock into pieces, then punches the remnants)

King: Where are you now, ducky sock?

Luz: So, why did you call me here anyway?

King: Oh, yeah.

(King climbs onto a table)

King: Human Luz. you've been so obsessed with witchcraft, that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself for...

(He rips off a curtain to reveal a corkboard of photos of various demons; puts on a hat and spins the cord on top of it)

King: Demons 101. Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone.

(Y/n walks out of the kitchen and over to them, he looks at King)

Y/n: Are you teaching her about demons?

King: Yes.

Luz: And cute little paws.

(King sighs while Y/n laughs)

Y/n: And cute little paws.

King: True. We live only to create chaos and misery. Our only weaknesses are purified water and passive-aggressive comments. Sometimes.

Luz: You guys are sensitive.

Y/n: King here is extremely sensitive.

King: Even demons have inner demons.

(He tears off one of the pictures to reveal a snarling demon)

King: The most powerful demon of all is the snaggleback. He's a-

Luz: Bad boy!

(A colored filter appears over the screen of Luz's phone, followed by several stickers. Luz aims her phone down and taps on her screen)

Y/n: Are you still on about these... fictional demons?

KIng: It's not fiction! Luz, pay attention. This information could save your life someday.

Y/n: Yeah, Luz. Pay attention or he'll get cranky~

(Luz gives Y/n a look and looks back at king)

Luz: No, no. I am so paying attention. This is my paying attention face. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Y/n: Real convincing...

(Lightning crashes, immediately followed by a thunder rumble. Y/n, Luz and King look outside)

King: Uh-oh. Looks like it's gonna rain.

Luz: I love the rain.

Y/n: Wait, no! Don't go outside!

(Luz opens the door and Y/n follows her outside)

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