S1, Ep 12: Understanding Willow

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(The chapter starts in the hallways of Hexside, where Boscha is magically hanging her nails and Amity is reading. Boscha looks at her tentacle nails)

Boscha: Too wiggly.

(She changes them to miniature flames)

Boscha: Too obvious.

(She stops on talons)

Boscha: Now we're talkin'! I think today is a talons day—rawr!

Skara: Hey, girls! Time to bug out at my birthday party!

(Skara holds up an invite which unrolls in the shape of a red butterfly. Its wings read "SKARA'S 15th")

Skara: Invite only, but you are my VIPs!

Amity: Are these made of real insect wings?

Skara: My dad spared no expense! You only turn 15 once!

Boscha: You only turn every age once, Skara.

Luz: Prepare thyself to do battle like a human! Thumb war!

(Sure enough, Luz is engaging in a thumb war with Willow they both have drawn faces on their thumbs. Willow Laughs while Y/n leans against a wall and is scrolling through his scroll)

Willow: It's funny 'cause it's stupid!

Boscha: It's so weird that humans go here now. Too bad, the guy was kinda cute.

(Amity glares at her)

Boscha: But they have already burned their social lives at the stake. Any friend of Willow's is an automatic dork.

(The invite in her hands starts molting)

Boscha: Ugh! Skara! Why did you give me an invite that was molting? Gross! Give me another one.

(Boscha throws the invite on the floor. Two younger kids see it causing them to gasp)

Kid #1: An invitation to Skara's party! I want it!

Kid #2: I want it!

Kid #1: It's mine!

Kid #2: No, it's mine!

(The two kids start fighting)

Teacher #1: Oh. Kid fight!

Teacher #2: Kid fight?

Detention Teacher: Kid fight!

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n, Luz and Willow are at Y/n and Luz's lockers)

Luz: Oh my gosh, Willow, I'm so excited for photo class! I can't believe you can make pictures of your actual memories!

(She opens her locker)

Luz: I'mma see me some baby Willow!

Willow: I'll admit, I was adorable.

Y/n: Don't forget about all your embarassing memories.

(While Y/n takes out his books and closes his locker, Luz tries to take a book out of her locker, but it bites down on it)

Luz: Don't eat that.

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