Friday, the 22nd of December

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Morning - going to my dentist with grandma. I arrived earlier and omg I also got admitted earlier so that I could leave exactly at the time I was supposed to begin my appointment :D

It's still windy today. And omg there was some snow and hail.

Spending the rest of the day at my grandparents'. Aunt M. was there already as well. It was a cool, chill visit.

Still rping with W. (the same plot, morning, M. discovering that S. has a snake in his house xD).

Mum gave S. my gift. He was so happy to get it. If I saw it irl, it would make me cry... <33 But mum took some photos for me. What an angel he is :D

Evening is just chilling.

I watched the last episode of Sherlock with mum and yes, I cried again on the same scene with Mycroft provoking Sherlock to kill him. That is just too much for me.

J. brought me my parcel - the book contains some letters which Mozart exchanged with his father! It's rather short so I'm probably going to go through it in one day, but still.

I am going to watch the Lost King with mum now. I will have the opportunity to observe the handsome Richard III again :D

I should probably reply to some longer rp, but honestly? I'm having much more fun just rping with W. <33

I replied to the ghost rp, but got the reply immediately.

I found my old "Golden Thoughts". There are my notes from when I was 11, 13, and 16 years old. I think it's time to fill it again and see how I changed, being now 21 (nearly 22).

Also, I started a little project, which is writing letters to W. A. M. (He was literally my age writing those letters to his father so I got kinda inspired.) I am using my Gryffindor notebook for this (I'm Slytherin and I just got it for a Christmas some time in the past. Time to put it to good use. And it has a really nice cover so it's suitable for this.)

I was going to read Mozart's letters today, but I have a slight headache, so I might put it off and do it tomorrow. It's 2am anyway, so...

Not much happened after that. Mainly it was just me and W. rping :D

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