Monday, the 4th of December

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I was about to start doing makeup for today when we got a message that our speaking class was cancelled cause E.'s train was delayed. Cool :D I mean, I could probably sleep for many many hours more or just chill longer yesterday, but it's fine... What is important is that I don't have to leave the house until 3pm. So now I have some time to chill and then I can revise for the test on Wednesday (this way I will not have to do that in the afternoon/evening).

Maybe that's not that important, but I'm actually proud of myself a bit - I was first in SuitU general ranking for the week :D

I managed to revise what I wanted, which means a relatively free evening :D

I managed to quickly rewrite two character profiles for the demon rp :D

I also messaged B. cause I actually wanted to ask him for help with T. I wish this could work.

Immergas tram while going to classes.

The topic was weird, but the class itself was okay as always. There couldn't be a bad class with W. D.
But. S. was there again. Him and his noises ugh...

Back at home - just me eating dinner and chilling.

Later I got up and read "Asterios Polyp" by David Mazzucchelli. It wasn't bad, but it didn't really get me involved either. Just another graphic novel, that's all.

Time to wash my hair. Probably not doing anything more tonight (might just read some more for the seminar, but I'm not even sure about it). I'm just gonna watch the second Purge movie, probably.

I read some more for the seminar (and called mum for about 10min in the middle of it).

Now it's time to finally watch something (10:10pm). Okay, The Purge: Anarchy (2014) it is:
I can see this one is a bit longer.
Omg 2023!
Eva's actress is Seraphina in Fantastic Beasts. I knew I knew her from somewhere.
Nice makeup bro.
Mmm a sabotage. Cool :D
Let the show begin.
Damn, I can't imagine being outside during such a night...
Yeah I was about to ask if he hadn't gone outside.
He talks to much. He's gonna get killed. Yep. Knew it was going to happen.
I have no idea what is going on. Nice uniforms tho.
I thought they were going to steal his car.
Oh well, now all the protagonists are together.
The Sergeant guy is kinda hot from some points of view.
Of course he got caught in a trap...
"And I'm guessing you're either a pain in my ass or a pain in my ass." I love this guy xD
I really am wondering what is the function of the official guys.
Well rip Shane I guess.
No worries the three of them are gonna survive and create one happy family.
Pretty city tho. Pretty light.
For a sec I thought that was just a ploy.
Shane is alive after all xD
Pills and alcohol? Healthy.
Oh well xD that explains a lot. Cool. Really cool that you betrayed him. What a bitch.
Okay this is a plot twist.
Don't tell me he is going to sacrifice himself...
Fuck this. He was the only worthy person there...
Oh sure. They guys are just selling people to be victims.
Omg it's a public event all of a sudden. How classy.
Oh this is like a laser game of tag place.
Let's go! The guy is actually quite epic :D
Oh come on... have some honour...
Let's go! Finally some nice people :D
That scene was actually cinematically beautiful.
He is not going to kill them, I don't think so.
What the hell?! Who are you?
Oh sure. That's the role of the national forces.
"No heroes." I feel like it's this world's ultimate goal nowadays.
Omg let's go! Now I'm actually glad he spared them.
What a convenient moment to end. Now this is just kinda awkward xD
My god, I am crying. I would not expect that. But that's probably because I can see something relatable reflected in this situation.
I just hope he survived and they are happy together.
I really like the mixed vibe of the outro.
I didn't expect that, but I genuinely think the second movie was better. It had a completely different vibe, but it was better built in general.

Replied to the demon rp. I should probably finally reply to something different, but I don't know...
And replied to the Storybrooke (the one I like the least, the shortest one) rp. Ngl, at this point I am just going to look for some excuse to stop writing it. Unfortunately.

Honestly? I think I might watch one more movie tonight. It's only 12:48am...
I need some tea first tho.
I've finally chosen The King's Daughter (2022). Some of the other films were too long or I just promised to watch them with other people so... (and I didn't want another horror movie).
Omg Versailles. It's nice to see it again.
Omg Louis XIV xD
"Where am I going?" "To a lavish and glimmering hell. Where you will no doubt thrive." xD
Omg their black armours >>>
"No hurry, meaning..." "Immediately." perfect
Oh yeah. She also played in Pirates of the Caribbean. I knew I knew her face.
Her cello, her freedom - it's like Will and his guitar.
"You are something they can never be. An individual." let's go.
She is going to be shipped with the captain, isn't she?
That is a broken arm right there.
Damn, that knife throw was kinda hot.
This movie is too fantasy and too childish for my liking. But I'm glad I am watching something from my list.
Come on, admit it, they just wanted the captain to look like Jack Sparrow.
Pls, the kiss was so obvious...
Noooo, not with him tho. He is so dumb and vain.
Also, the mermaid is pretty, but also creepy in a way.
Big reveal time.
Wow, the priest actually can see the things as they are. Impressive.
Nice dress. Black and golden.
Damn, the musketeers kinda hot.
Come on Louis, be a hood father.
Well, asking him is not really fair as well. He could be killed for that.
No worries, the mermaid will heal him.
Omg the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Omg what beautiful cliffs<33
The light in this scene is so unrealistic, but I like the shade of clouds. It reminds me of some photos I took about 3/4 years ago.
Okay I LOVE the musketeers appearances.
One thing that bothers me - modern music included.

All right, done. Now I'm probably just gonna chill for about half an hour.
Also, I've been rping with W. in the meantime (C. apologising for kissing a friend while being drunk).

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat