Monday, the 18th of September

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Playing some AC in the morning.

Sent the email inquiring about the chemistry at university.

Replied to one of the demon rps :D

Worked on some Minecraft resource packs in the afternoon. I want to surprise W. with them. We can't play with mods, but that's something to refresh the game a bit.

Reading some more "Sowa". I love that Holger and Mia are basically Lestrade and Dawkins. I LOVE their relationship (not shipping! just friendship).

I don't know. I got all excited about playing mc with W. today, but we probably won't cause she's not in the mood. Pity. Well... at least we can probably still talk at least or sth.
I guess I'm just sad that I devoted so much time to working on it just not to play in the end.

Yeah, at least we talked for about 4h and it was REALLY cool. A bit heavy at times, but in general really nice, especially at the end. We had some nice laughs talking about Sherlock :D
I LOVE carrying such conversations with her.

I'm not really tired, but if I go to bed soon (it's 2:18am) I could wake up early again and that would be awesome.

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