Monday, the 28th of August

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I didn't watch the Streamys gala, but I know that both Sam and Colby and Dream won!! I'm so proud of them. Dream is such a skilled gamer and Sam and Colby finally showed their haters that their show is unscripted. I'm so proud of them and happy. Fully deserved. I watched some of the pieces of the gala in the morning.

The bruise I have on my left knee is definitely the worst I've ever had. It's big and purple. But the colour is really nice, I have to admit.

Watched one episode of ouat with mum.

It's raining now and a storm seems to approach. Hopefully there will be one. I'm reading The Witcher so I need some cool vibes. I should probably reply to some rp, but maybe later. It would be awesome if I could finish 7 Wor(l)ds this week as well to finally give it to W. We will see, I guess.

That day would be really nice if it weren't for two arguments with W.
The first one was about talking in the evening - passed rather quickly.
The second one was about me destroying that random's house in Minecraft. I don't know why she got so serious about it. She seemed genuinely excited about doing it with me at the beginning.

I played "Not Exactly a Hero" for some time today. Yesterday B. actually reminded me that I used to go through this game series and never finished it.

Apart from that - watched three episodes of ouat with mum.

Rping with W. in the meantime (S&C during the gala and some usual S&C stuff).

Not really in the mood to write anything longer today.

Now I'm probably gonna watch Sherlock. It's not even 12:30am so I should be fine.
Okay, at least we finally got the ending of the swimming pool scene.
Oh this is hilarious how they presented the way in which he got his characteristic look.
Omg he didn't dress up xD and he's at the Buckingham Palace.
"I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend." Lovely.
"Do you really think you'll have news by then?" "No, I think I'll have the photographs." I love his confidence.
(The rain is pouting down rn! What a lovely night!)
"I'm not the Commonwealth." "And that's as modest as he gets."
"I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're speaking but it's usually sub-text." XD
"You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people." "You were a doctor!" "I had bad days!" I love their relationship.
"I had a tea, too, at the Palace. If anyone's interested." They make such lovely first episodes, genuinely.
Oh she's not wearing clothes so that he can't read her. Clever.
Omg London covered in snow >>>
Molly is such an idiot. I can't.
Is John working for Mycroft? No, please...
Oh hell yeah, John's girlfriend just called him Sherlock's boyfriend. Nice. "That really wasn't good, was it?" Mrs. Hudson, lovely as always.
Is it going to be Moriarty or that woman of whom the name I cannot remember?
"Barely talks. Only to correct television." That would be me, please xD
Yeah, it is the woman. I'd prefer to see Moriarty.
Leave Mrs. Hudson alone...
"I dislike being outnumbered. It makes for too much stupid in the room."<33
"Crime in progress. Please disturb." Pls xD
Aww I love Mrs. Hudson. She's so cool.
"Please don't feel obliged to tell me that was remarkable or amazing. John's expressed that thought in every possible variant available to the English language."
"That's not the end of the world. That's Mrs. Hudson." XD
Damn, the password finale was so good!
Omg Sherlock wanted to be a pirate. How cute.
Is she 100% dead? I doubt it. Oh yeah, of course she escaped... pity.

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