Monday, the 11th of September

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We woke up early today as we had to leave to the zoo early as well.

Guess what? The weather just stopped being co hellishly hot. And that's our last day in London... From tomorrow on it's gonna get colder and colder and more rainy. JUST WHEN WE ARE LEAVING. This is fucking annoying...

We were travelling for quite a while, but it was worth it. We even went through Baker Street! :D
We were also near Regent's Park, the place I remember from the childhood video game 102 Dalmatians :D

The zoo itself was awesome! I mean, not as fantastic as in Wrocław, but it gave us a lot of opportunities to actually walk among different animals. We also managed to finish the challenge of finding all those listed animals (tho that one monkey in the dark, the lions and the African wolves were REALLY difficult to spot). My fav were of course the zebras, but also the otters :D

After the visit at the zoo, we stopped at Baker Street just to take a photo of Sherlock's house. There's is also a museum, but we didn't go in. W. had been there already and I didn't want to go on my own. I might go there next time when I'm with my parents or something.

At the end of our last journey we went to Tesco and then just sat and chilled at Trafalgar Square on our favourite fountain. It was lovely. We went to check if Soho was opened, but it wasn't. BUT on our way there we saw out J. M. at Pizza Express again :D It was so nice to see him. Pity that it was the last time...
But chilling with W. at the fountain was just priceless. It was such a lovely moment... I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

At home... there were spiders. Two of them, two new ones probably. I tried to kill one and missed (in the living room) unfortunately and killed one in our bedroom. I was ruthless :)

We also watched some special episode of Sherlock. It was only a few minutes, but it was lovely nevertheless.

We also finally packed our stuff for tomorrow as we have to leave in the morning. We're probably going to leaves about 8am or something like that to be at the airport on time.

Now I'm just writing this, waiting for W. to "take a shower". I think we might watch something when she comes back. Unless she decides that she's too tired or too stressed about tomorrow.

We actually watched one episode of Sherlock. Not fully, but it was cool anyway :D

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ