Thursday, the 7th of December

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The day was genuinely nothing special.
Woke up in the morning. Chilling for some time before classes.
J. W. already posted the next task. I will probably do it in the evening to be free for the rest of the time before Christmas.

Cosplaying Colby today again. Which means I'm basically wearing my type of clothes :D
(Tho I used as many chains as I possibly could.)
Also... W. really liked it so that's sweet.

D. K. really complimented our writing in general, which is really nice. She also didn't mentioned the essay so it's good we didn't bother to write it.
We finished 15 min later but I still had class with A. P. afterwards.
The class was nice as always. She even told us an anecdote at the end. And she let us leave about 30min earlier and she said that Santa called her yesterday and allowed her to do that. What a sweet soul she is.

J. W. agreed to make the final test online. What a good man, again. He is genuinely so thoughtful.

Going back home: ordering food and talking to mum.

The food finally arrived (it wasn't late, but I feel like I had to wait a bit longer than usual; tho maybe it's just my impression cause I'm hungry...) so I'm going to eat it and chill for quite a while. It was a chaotic week.

Just chilling a lot until something past 8. Then I managed to do the business translation task for the week after the next week.
Time to read the text for the next class with A. P. - "Human Moments in World War III" by Don Deillo.
Okay, it started as a science fiction so, naturally, I didn't really like it. But it got more interesting. It was rather an easy read (only 12 pages), maybe apart from all the technical/scientific terms. But it's 11:48pm, Thursday and I'm already done with everything apart from the seminar work. I am kind of proud of myself because of how I function this semester :D

Okay, let's finish this. The First Purge (2018). Sure, there's also a tv series, but I don't think I'll watch it at any point.
"Who are you angry at?" "Everyone." omg I predicted this answer xD
Omg is this the way they came up with the conclusion that something like a purge should be created? Interesting. This one might be interesting.
"Are you an angry persons?" "Who ain't?" omg again xD my response was "Everyone is."
Oh okay. For now it's just this one island. This seems logics.
'Freeing violence' interesting.
"Killing comes from a heart. A damaged one."
Bitch what is your problem? The reality is as it is. He just promised to protect you. Don't be stupid. My god she is sooooo independent. She or her brother probably is going to die.
I really like the aesthetic with a clock counting down. Looks cool.
Yo, cool contacts, bro. Also, cool idea to make them look more creepy.
How are the syringes supposed to work? Like... he wouldn't be able to push the piston anyway...
Omg they have lenses in different colours. Cool.
Updale. I genuinely thought her surname was Update and it was so funny to me xD
Those people in the windows look creepy.
(Was gonna say that I might watch something more after the movie cause it's actually relatively short, but I got engaged with rping with W. (HG) in the meantime so I'm doing a lot of breaks.)
I could swear I recognise the doctor's actress, but apparently not.
Oh Selina is going to do something stupid, I think.
Why would he assume he was in that one bar specifically? XD this is just funny
Yep, I figured they were going to try and kill him. Quite predictable. Those scenes had a nice parallel relationship tho.
Nice visuals of that scene.
Now I'm wondering how it became popular eventually. Cause it seems that nothing is happening.
That was creepy. The man with red eyes and a gas mask.
She's so dumb to leave now xD AND GOING ON FOOT?! I thought she at least had a car xD
That scene was so weird.
Could you fucking mute the phone? It is so fucking loud, mate. If you die this is basically your own fault.
"I don't know how to die." this is something Dream could say in HG for real.
Bitch why even bring this up now? Just find a hideout xD
Yep. I knew something was gonna happen in the church.
Shouldn't they just go back inside? I mean... they probably wouldn't raid the same place twice.
Okay so like... all the assumptions are fake. Why did it get so popular later then?
Yo, they dressed up as KKK members. Kinda cool.
Nice face masks with brads.
Someone is there. Probably the Skeletor guy.
Come on... not the doctor... she was the only cool character here.
Okay Dolores is a lovely person as well.
Cool that the blood splashed on the camera.
(I have no idea what was going on. I was falling asleep.)
Skeletor is finally dead, let's go.
He dead as well? Cool. Cause he was a Mary sue. A typical Scream protagonist. Nahh... he will probably survive.
Okay, done. Cool. Like I said, probably not going to watch the tv series so this is all for me and the Purge.

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