Tuesday, the 7th of November

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Not much happened today. I overslept by one hour in the morning. (Fortunately that day was free anyway.)

Rping with W. a lot in the morning and watching George watching the part of the Conjuring in which he took part. Pity that not all of it, but sure.

Also, I got a reply from that one woman from Warsaw. She actually accepted my application for the apprenticeship, but oh well... too late. I also printed some apprenticeship documents (I need to send some of them, probably tomorrow).

Not being productive today as I don't really have anything to do. I mean, it's really nice, but at the same time I'm fully aware that I will have a lot of work soon and that the change will be really drastic.

Talking to mum for some time.

I also reviewed quickly my essay. I'm still not really confident about it, but whatever. It was my frost attempt to write something like that.

Playing mc fora while. I've expanded our farm - I've added two floors :D
Oh yeah, I've also beaten a raid. But it was a weak one.

I was going to start watching some new series, but I think I should finish Witcher first. So...
Finally something new. I mean... I didn't remember the second season as well so...
Omg a pretty intro.
Okay, everything is fine, but where are Jaskier, Cahir, and Emhyr?
Oo, nice outfit, Geralt.
This plot with the three of them is so boring tho...
Geralt's horse >>>
Ooo some new beast :D
OMG HE'S BACK! Wait what was his name... I need to check. Rience! Glad to see him :D
Ugh, the elves are back as well...
"Being the king used to mean something." that sounds like Eret.
Radovid? He kinda hot.
Jaskier is back!
Wait... is Radovid going to be Jaskier's partner?
"What can I do for you, Yarpen?" "I've got ears and good taste, so... nothing'." what a lovely exchange.
Has Rience's actor changed btw?
Oh they are so going to get separated again...
Noo... Rience...
Oh yeah, I was right, he got recasted.
Nooo! Not Jaskier!
Well, at least a lot of elves are dead as well.
"If I die, promise me Valdo Marx will not play at my funeral." I love him sm.
Emhyr! What a nice end scene! And the music >>>
It takes me much more time than I expected to go through one episode cause I get distracted a lot, but I want to push it further. It would be so nice to actually finish it this week.
This one is a bit shorter, fortunately.
Also, the title is "Unbound". Please be about Cahir.
"Hanging is good for business."
Emhyr!!! Damn, him with a sword...
Was that Cahir sleeping on the table?
Omg Jaskier with a cat!
What the hell is going on between the two mages... I am so fucking confused.
I definitely change my mind about Radovid. He is actually ugly. Ugly and stupid.
My god, Ciri is so annoying and so dumb. She's even worse than Yennefer.
Wow, the dumb elf finally did something good.
Okay, Radovid is not as dumb as I thought.
I wish Fringilla never escaped.
Omg I love that Rience actually saved the cat.
But that's not Ciri. I am so confused.

Then my mood kind of hits plummeted down. I don't know. I had some conversations with W. about writing and that's how it finished...

Reading some "Sowa" before going to sleep. I really need to start finishing books and to series I've started at some point.

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon