Tuesday, the 19th of December

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Not much happening today.

Just chilling in the morning. When I finally got up, I washed my hair (yes, for tomorrow's presentation).

Then I just revised some languages and music lessons for a longer while (I think it took me like an hour or so).
I also finally filled my reviews in IMBd. There were quite a lot. I was a bit critical, but also really complimentary to those movies I love.
Spending some time just singing songs from Mozart l'Opera Rock, cause I am so obsessed.
And finally I revised my presentation, cause I will be presenting it tomorrow :D

Rping with W. again :D
I think we both are really into MxS currently. We had a really nice piece with S. playing the piano and thinking about M., but then both of them having an argument. (We also have a lot of cool ideas for the future, which is perfect.)

Talked to mum for a short while. Basically just helping her revising English cause she has a test tomorrow.

I don't really feel like replying to any rp tonight. It's already 9pm, so I might just do some more Duolingo music lessons and then maybe watch some more Mozart (yes, I'm rewatching some parts again). And then? I might just read something, maybe. I have to go to sleep early anyway, so...

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin