Saturday, the 18th of November

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Not much happended today, ngl.

Basically just some usual chilling in the morning.

Then I got up and I decided to finally visit our discord server (I haven't done it for like nearly a month). It felt really nice to talk to those people again. I definitely need to do that more often. However, it sparks some bad memories as well. It just makes me sad about the whole situation with T. God, I would give a lot to get an explanation why. That's the only thing I ask for rn. Also, it makes me a bit sad that we don't do lore anymore. I mean, that's mainly my fault cause I'm too lazy to write down the previous pieces, but also I don't really have time. And I don't want to get involved, knowing that I would probably have to break it anytime soon because of the uni. At the same time it feels bad, cause I know I would have my whole free time for T. if that was the case...

Reading some stuff for the seminar. It was much more pleasant this time. I don't even know if I mentioned yesterday that she sent us the instructions about 11 something pm yesterday. Yeah. Early, I know. And yeah, the interpretation of the poem should be shorter, but oh well... too late for that. I'm not gonna cut it down now.

Talking to mum for a while. Also, it's J.'s bday! <33

Mum has some difficult moments nowadays. I'm not gonna provide any personal details, but ugh... Well, I'm trying to be as supportive as I possibly can and I know she sees that and appreciates it, which makes me incredibly happy.

At 11pm I'm talking to W. and maybe playing some mc (if it works for her, if not, I might just try and mine some quartz on my own), so now I want to read some poems for the seminar (not to leave everything for tomorrow) and then maybe watch one or two episoded of AHS.

I coudn't find two poems on the internet and they are not in the files yes so... oh well. I just read them, no notes this time. I might sat and read them again tomorrow and then make some notes or mark some parts. Today it's 8:23pm anyway, I want to watch AHS before talking to W.

Oh it's in the current times. Now it makes sense.
"Where does this evil come from? Could she have been born that way?" this is actually a really nice philosophical question.
Okay, we're getting some more plot. Nice.
Hell yeah! The doctor is getting exposed!
What the hell?! Why would she leave the daughter there xD
Come on... I really hoped that the priest would finally clean the mess with Arden.
No! Sister Jude really has to stay there! She is harsh, but oh my god...
Fuck the doctor! He betrayed Kit and that's unforgivable.
He's unbelievable? You're unbelievable!
Yep, he dead.
God this is so cringe of him. I know, this is a mental condition, bur ugh...
What is this now? Scream?
Okay, I still have a lot of time, one more for sure.
Also, there was so little Kit in the previous one. I feel like that was just unfair.
Grace don't die... :(
Oh well. No skipping intro for me, I guess.
Oh shit. I would not expect him to do that to her. Like... he was supposed to treat her like his mother...
Also, cool to see Moira as Death (or at least I assume so) here.
Yes! More Kit!
Poor boy tho :(
Oh. He took matters into his own hands.
Omg she did it. Did she really do it? That would mean Kit could still be saved.
Oh come on... what is the probability...
Well. At least he didn't kill her. Or at least I hope so. OH COME ON! HERE AGAIN?! This is just ridiculous. WHO IS GOING TO SAVE KIT NOW?!
Damn, the devil is being busy.
Wait she really did that? I didn't expect it to happen. Okay, she didn't. At least I don't think so.
No! DON'T call the asylum.
Oh my, she went to confess...
Wait... is she not dead?! Oh no, the mother made it worse tho...
What the hell? Eunice is in charge now? Why tho?
Yes! Tell them Kit is innocent! But oh well, Eunice is not going to do anything about it... Or make it worse.
Shoot on sight?! Why?! At let him defend himself...
Omg he came back because he heard Grace was dying...
His comeback >>> And this fucking smile... it's so warm<3
Oh damn, the beast is inside now...
No! Grace </3 Well. At least he is alive. For now at least.
You can't end an episode like that!
Okay, I'll try one more. I still have time.
Okay, good. This one is even a bit shorter.
Why the Santa?
No skipping intro again.
Also, I worry now what could have happened to the little girl. I'm afraid I know the answer... there were a lot of allusions.
"Doctor, I've been thinking." "You want to be careful, Frank. That can be dangerous." lovely xD
Omg let's go Jude!
Omg is his story based on Jean Valjean?
Wait is that Kit?
Aww Kit and the Christmas tree.
"What if it's a girl?" "But it's not." he's such a cutie.
"Where is sister Mary Eunice now?" that just reminded me of "Where is Charles Lee now?" XD
Arden why would you do that... I REALLY thought he changed and this shit would be over.
LET'S FUCKING GO! I KNEW Kit would be the one to end him this time. Oh, this feels good!
Lana calm down. He saved your life. You can't just get him killed now.
Arden leave Grace alone... no... don't tell me one of the beasts took her...
Let's go! We need to be done with this psychiatrist now.

Okay, that's it for today. I'm gonna join the server now and wait for W. as well.

Playing and talking to W. till about past 2am. It was really nice, tho you could feel that W. was a bit down for whatever reason.

Rping with W. for quite a while (it would probably last more if I didn't fall fucking asleep). I woke up again about 3:30am. Wasted time to chill and wasted opportunity to rp with W. And it started so nice, damn it.

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