Tuesday, the 25th of July

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Mum's friend visited do I spent some time talking with the two of them.

Later also aunt A. with the cousins visited, but I didn't really spent time with them, cause I was watching the SWC!

Speedway World Cup (the only part written on that day)
Good luck Great Britain!!
Heat 1: Let's go Adam Ellis!! 3p!
Heat 2: Robert Lambert was second. Good!
Heat 3: Woffy second as well!
Heat 4: Dan Bewley first!! Let's go!!
10p for the UK in general!
Omg Dariusz Śledź is here as well :D
Heat 5: Woffy second again.
The commentators are biased again. Fuck you, bastards :)
Heat 6: Dan second as well.
Heat 7: Ellis was third. But the way he fought >>>
Heat 8: Lambert with 3 points! :D
18p for the UK :D
Heat 9: OMG WHAT DAN DID IN THIS HEAT!! Yooo!!! 3p for the UK <33
Heat 10: Hell yeah! Woffy the best! What a fight!!
Heat 11: Lambert with two pints :D
Heat 12: Ellis unfortunately last. But the Swede was only third, so it's fine.
26p for the UK <33
Interviews with Woffy :D
Tom Brennan is really cute <33 And his number is 27, omg! This is perfect!!
Aww the manager of the Germany's team was cute as well. What a shy and nice man.
My god, stop calling Adam Ellis the weakest part of the UK team...
Heat 13: Ellis last. But it's fine. He's awesome anyway.
Heat 14: Congrats Lambert! 3 points!
Quoting the commentator: "O." That was so fucking funny. And then he followed with: "Oni nie mają dostępu do morza, a witają się słowem ‚Ahoj'." Sorry that this quote is in Polish, but I'm not sure if it'd make sense in English. I think not. It's be "Aarrgh!"
Heat 15: Dan Bewley first! <33
Heat 16: OMG WOFFY! 3p!
35p for the UK! :D
Heat 17: What a start from Dan >>> His 3 points were fully deserved.
Heat 18: Adam Ellis unfortunately last, but we won anyway!
Heat 19: Woffy gave his heat to Tom Brennan. And he was second! What a talented man!
Heat 20: Lambert first!! Let's go!!
43 points for them in total!
32 for Sweden.
23 for the Czech Republic.
And 22 for Germany.
Aww Dan said that if it wasn't for Woffy and some other riders he wouldn't be a rider.
"They did it. Not me." said the manager of the UK's team. That's so sweet <33
See you on Saturday, champions :D

I did some epic lore with B.! That was awesome. That man is so nice and creative :DD

Engagement lists: Canal+ Speedway: 387p, Sparta Wrocław: 336p, 13th week, GP: 162p, 2nd week, Maciek: 157p, 12th week, Joel: 62p, 8th week, Dan Bewley: 56p.

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