Wednesday, the 6th of December

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Saint Nicholas's Day! (Wearing my Christmas sweater I got from dad a few years ago<3)
Unfortunately this is also the day of my first test this semester. Wish me luck.

The classes were rather normal today. First philosophy (M. K. had her presentation), then the break during which I just ate some second breakfast and revised a bit more for the test, then the contrastive grammar class and then finally the test itself.
I officially hate this woman wholeheartedly again. I can't even express it. And I don't even think I want to waste time on that. Let me just say that the test was the most unfair test you could imagine on this specific topic. And the worst part - the instruction was my main struggle, not the lack of knowledge. So yeah... I might not pass, I might barely pass, or I might as well get a 5 from this. This says a lot about the test and about that witch (witcher are far cooler and better than her tho) herself. Ughh...

Going back home and talking to mum fro a while cause I had to express my dissatisfaction with the state of affairs.
When I arrived I opened the gift mum left for me for the Saint Nicholas's Day :D
I got a warm, fluffy hoodie, a green-purple one (my fav childhood colour and my fav current colour, that is so cute) and some sweets.

I was about to eat dinner, but then I had to go to the optician nearby and pay for my blue contact lenses. I was as fast as a lightning tho. Even the optician (who was in contact with my mum) was supprised by my instant arrival. That was kinda funny :D

After eating dinner - just chilling.

Then I finally got up to do something productive. First thing - I got engaged with the notes for the next class with that old hag (it took me fucking 2.5h; at this point this is just riddiculous). Now I might do some notes for the business translation. And later maybe I will manage to read the text for the next philosophy class as well. (Tho it's kinda late already - 9:21pm as I'm writing this.)
The business translation task seemed much shorter (it was, but taking the notes took soooo long...). It's already 10:53pm. I don't think I will read the text for philosophy today as well... Tho I'm scared that I might be busy during the rest of the week with some (maybe?) apprenticeship and, worse, the seminar work (I am kind of sure we will get something to write this time...).
Call me crazy but I actually read the text for philosophy. It was not as long a read as I expected.

Rping with W. in the meantime (S. angel and C. demon cause it's the Angel's Day today as well :D)

Time to finally chill for some time. Going to watch a movie. I couldn't really decide what to watch so... The Purge: Election Year (2016) it is:
What?! She chose herself at that moment?! I would imagine she would pick one of her children.
Damn, the purge seems to be such a convenient political device. I mean, duh... the title of this one xD
They now allow purge tourism? This is crazy.
(I completely zoned out and I have no idea what the plot with the blacks was.)
Isn't Leo the same actor from the previous part? Omg he is. And it turns out he is the same character as well. Now I wonder if he is with the girls still.
My god, they're literally like brainless zombies.
Omg a guillotine? Impressive.
What a Christmasy vibe.
I just realised they finically revealed his name. Leo. Noted.
That one mask was really nice. The neon Statue of Liberty one. Why do we have some many Russians now. I don't even understand it. Only some swear words.
Oh well xD rip Russians xD
Those bitches are just boring. I don't know. It's crazy, but the boring and cringe type of crazy.
Cool. Someone finally got rid of them.
This view for some reason reminded me of the Scream 6 opening view as well.
Ooo having some fights as well. Looking cool.
Oh god. That must be painful.
He is like Markus from DBH and the place is just like Jericho.
Pretty light (green/turquoise one).
Apparently there's still like half an hour of the movie. I would think it's more like... 15 min.
Damn. In a church?
What a sect.
Fuck you, you old prick. Let HIM say it.
For a sec I really thought they would kiss xD
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
I'm glad the old guy is dead. He was annoying. Pity they didn't kill the main guy.
Yeah I was kinda right. It took them 15 min to finish the rescue scene.
Aww Leo and Joe are besties now.
Pity that Joe is gone. I won't cry over him cause I just didn't get engaged with this movie, but he was a nice character. I am actually glad that Marcos is renovating the shop tho.
Well this situation has it's other side as well. Like... the supporters will still celebrate the Purge. The question is if there will be consequences (if the government will be able to execute them).
This movie was probably the most boring to me from the entire series.

It's 2:21am rn so I have to go to sleep relatively soon. So... I'm just going to chill on yt for a while now.

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