Tuesday, the 11th of July

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Finally! It's T O D A Y! 
Yeah, I managed to catch up with everything that happened. (And now I will probably give up writing for a week hah...) I really should write one chapter everyday. It would be so much easier.

I started playing AC IV Black Flag today! And it was so awesome. Have some notes I wrote down while playing :D
"I love seeing that the game is from Abstergo Entertainment"
"Omg his girl's name is Caroline"
"Omg the beginning [SPOILER] I didn't expect that I will KILL the assassin", I genuinely expected him to just introduce me to the brotherhood; this story alreday is so original; I love that we play as this really unconventional character now
"Wow buried treasures", that is indeed an interesting game mechanic
"Omg Keats reference", in the Database, yes, I'm a nerd, I love reading all that stuff (especially the juicy parts from the staff)
Also, that was not in my notes, but the whole current plot - [SPOILER] us being the Abstergo employee - was epic and really enjoyable; the whole Abstergo building was so epic and majestic; yes - I'm definitely going through my AC phase again as well :D

Using the inspiration I had from playing, I wrote the 3rd chapter of the "Rooftops" :D

And not only that - I also wrote another chapter of the "Winter Solstice"! Excited!! :DD

Watched 2 ep of Miraculum with mum. Man, the 4th season is really cool and exciting. I don't know if it's because I haven't watched it even once yet, or because the episodes are genuinely amazing, but damn... I really enjoy watching them now. A lot of nice plots and a lot of emotions :D

Rping with W. before going to sleep - the C. as a vamp beginning rp. Very very cool. I hope we will continue it tomorrow.

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