Saturday, the 7th of October

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Nothing special happened in the morning.

Then we went for a walk. It is really windy today. While walking on a beach you can't really breathe when you're going against the wind.

Then we stopped at the same cafe as yesterday and after a short break continued our journey (this time on the pavement and not the beach).

I saw (three times) a guy who looked like young M. T. Damn... so hot.

Basically just walking and contemplating my fake scenarios.

We visited the famous pier. It was really nice :D
I bought some postcards for me and W. and picked up some more shells for us. One of them was still whole (like... the two parts).

Back at home to chill a bit before going to dinner. We would stop there on our way back but the queue was on the beach! So yeah, we decided to come back later.

Back at home - replied to the demon rp.
Also started replying to the Scream one, but I didn't finish before we had to leave for dinner/supper.
In the meantime tho, rping with W. First just some S. and C. exchanging messages and then some short dialogue between S. H. and J. M. <33

I managed to reply to the Scream rp while we were waiting for our food at the restaurant. Cool :D
There was this one handsome guy at the restaurant. He looked kind of like a combination of August (facial features) and Killian (hair) from OUAT.

Watched one episode of Sherlock with mum.

Noted down some of my ideas for SH fanfictions. I doubt I will have time to really write them, but... I don't know. I just wanted to keep them.
I could probably write sth now, but I'm kinda tired. Going to watch sth before going to sleep.

The Witcher it is.
I already watched the first season. I remember everything but the last two episodes. I also watched the second one with W., but I don't really remember it. Before starting the third season I want to rewatch all of it. So...
I remember that W. and I wanted to watch this episode in London, but... oh well. The spider interrupted us after like... 10s.
I really like the intro music.
Also, I adore the quality of this series.
Renfri always reminds me about A. H. I know, I shouldn't think of her, but oh well...
Okay, Geralt's behaviour >>>
Wait... is this Magnussen from Sherlock Holmes? XD Omg it's Mads Mikkelsen's (new Grindelwald) brother. And yes! I was right! It was him.
Omg Maciej Musial XD I completely forgot he's in this series.
Also, Ciri is so less beautiful than in the game...
"Doesn't rhyme. All good predictions rhyme." >>>
Oh yeah, Renfri's theme is pretty as well.
Damn, the one Nilfgaard's knight with a bow. That was kinda hot.
Okay the final fight is kinda epic.
I so hate the judgement of the people on Geralt. That was so stupid and unfair.
How is "Charles Augustus Magnussen" always such a bastard? XD
Omg the ending of the first episode music >>

Well, I did something productive after all (yes, I know I should study, but I'll do it during the week). I wrote one of my oneshot ideas. Yes, I really did. It was rather short, but I really liked it at the same time. And it didn't take me that long. (It's 1:04am now so I still have two hours of me just chilling.)

I was basically planning to chill on yt, but I started falling asleep pretty quick about 2am. Oh well. I guess I'm just tried.

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