Friday, the 15th of December

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Honestly? Not much happened today.

Morning - just chilling, watching Sapnap watch Sam and Colby's newest video. Quite enjoyable. Tho I definitely prefer watching Jack Manifold, cause he pays attention to everything and comments on it.

Washed my hair and then sat down to focus on the presentation. I didn't have to rush cause for the next seminar we just have some short essays to read. I was going to read them tiday anyway, but the presentation took more time than I expected. I took a break after 3h, chilling and talking to mum for a bit, but still. Then I kind of finished only about 10pm or something. However, I am proud of my work. I think the prof will like it. And I myself like it very much.
So, I still have two days of the weekend to revise the presentation and read those essays - I'm gonna do that on Saturday and devote whole Sunday to just chilling.

Now it's 10:48pm, so basically I'm just waiting for W. to call me as we're supposed to play some Mc and chill together tonight.
She just messaged me that she will be here 15min late. That's fine. I will just chill a bit more. I could probably start reading for the seminar, but honestly? I just wanna rest for a bit after the whole day of working on the presentation. Besides, in case I don't manage read the whole essay, I don't really want to break it in the middle.

W. and I finished about 4am. It was really nice. We played mc, rped, exchanged some memes and had some nice laughs in general. She also suggested a meeting and I suggested February. I love that it was really a "team effort" this time.

Omg Jack Manifold actually watched the newest Sam and Colby video as well. I am so going to watch it in the morning. Good night!

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