Saturday, the 29th of July

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Okay, this was THE day. J. arrived and we were going to the staduim together to watch the SWC Finale :D

There was a British man at the tram station and I helped him understand some directions form some other man who knew how the trams finctioned on Saturdays to get to the Stadium. Him and I talked all the way and it was so so so nice. He also complimented my English a lot and that was sooo sweet. I would not expect to hear that from a real Englishman.

Turned out that... we arrived early as well and were basically at the beginning of the autograph queue again. I WOULD NOT EXPECT THAT TO HAPPEN, FOR REAL! So, mum waited in the queue and me and J. wandered around.
There was this Monster rider who was doing some epic stunts. We watched his performance twice (one time only with J. and the second time with mum as well, cause it was already after the autograph session) and I got to high-five him four times. He was also kind hot and the stuff he did... it was like some assassin's creed x speedway magic. I ahd that in my noted so I'm going to mention (mainly for myself only) that during the second performance he also rode on the arc in the air.
Speaking of the autograph session... I got an autograph from every rider (Denmark, Great Britain, Australia, and poland) and got to high-five all of them, wishing them good luck. every one of them? Well... apart form one - BZ :D and that was my own choice<33 I did the same thing mum did one year ago and totally ignored him :D
Funny thing, earlier that day I had a short "argument" with J. P. and one thing he said was that the UK will be totally excluded form the fight for the gold medal and the truth was that their team dominated nearly the whole tournament.
The winner was poland, but for me it was totally just Magic as he was the one to brung us the victory. Also, the first thing he did after every polish rider congratulated him was to go and hug Woffy. Their friendship is just >>>
Great Britain was second, Denmark was third, and Australia was out of the rostrum. But omg, the point difference between all of them were single point, so it was a really even tournament. You could really see that you're watching the best of the best.
At the very end, the rain started pouring down.

My throat was so sore when we got back. I genuinely couldn't talk, but I was really happy.

I also added some rp posts, because I got a lot of inspiration to write something speedway-connected.

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ