Tuesday, the 20th of June

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I'm just going to begin this chapter with the info that I published two parts of the "Rooftops" on my Wattpad account already :D (writing this at 12:48am).
And that^ was the only info I wrote on that specific day. From then on (till the 2nd of July) all of the chapters are me trying to catch up what I missed before, during, and a bit after the exam session. The chapters will be relatively short (at least I will try to keep them that); besides - nothing interesting really happened, I was mainly revising for my exams.

Forgot to mention the engagement lists yesterday and I don't have the full scores, unfortunately (those with the week streaks), but I have "something" so: 150p for Joel Hokka, 119p for Speedway Ekstraliga, 83p for FIM Speedway Grand Prix, 74p for Maciej Janowski, 64p for Kacper Grzelak, 52p for Sparta Wrocław.

Got 4.5 from the am. lit. exam (the essays). It's not bad, but I'm a bit disappointed cause it's literature. Also, I thought for a sec that she decided to give me a 5 after all, but it was just a dream. Ah yes, my tormenting ambitions.

Betard tram on my way to the Institute (streak x?, don't expect me to keep track of it while catching up; I will just mention the trams).

Oh yeah, I was dressed all white.

Am. lit. final test. We got different questions that we knew from the other groups, but I did well anyway. Also, A. P. left for us our poem interpretations and she was really proud of them, she even said she made some notes, because we were really creative and she felt inspired. Also, she left us a really cute note thanking us for the whole semester.
Her comments to the interpretation >>>

J. D.-T. was really nice today as well. She also thanked us for the semester.

After classes - just revising.

Got a 5 from the lit. test :D

Ordering some coursebook for mum so i used the opportunity to order that one book which Wilbur and Sam recommended. It's probably a silly idea, but why not. (Spoiler from the future - the book I odered for mum needs to be reprinded so... Yeah, I have no idea when we will get the books.)

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