Saturday, the 2nd of September

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Of course my train was fucking delayed by fucking fifty minutes. I wouldn't mind at all if I didn't have the meeting with A. planed... Well, we're still going to meet, but it's gonna be later and probably shorter. Well, it's something, I guess.

I've just passed the Betard factory :D

The final delay was about 34min. Not that bad.

Arrived at my flat, changed my clothes and tidied a bit.

Then I just went outside to meet A. R.
It was really nice. We drank coffee while just sitting and talking about everything and nothing. That was really sweet and cool. I should meet people more often, I swear. And he complimented my clothes as well! :D

I came back just in time to watch SGP! Literally, I wasn't even late :D
Now I'm only waiting to get the food I ordered from mc Donald's. Omg it arrived nearly immediately!
Heat 2: Magic vs. Dan. Good luck boys! Magic was third, but fought bravely. Dan unfortunately last.
Heat 3: Woffy and Lambert. Have fun, British soldiers! OMG WHAT A RIDE FROM WOFFY! He was last and finished first!! Robert was third.
Heat 4: HA! BZ didn't win this one :D
Heat 5: Good luck, Woffy. Oh it's gonna be a difficult one. Omg Woffy nearly did the same thing as before. This time finished second tho.
Heat 6: YOO DAN BEWLEY! What a speed!
Heat 7: Magic vs BZ. Magic would easily pass him, but BZ nearly made him fall... I hate this little blue bitch. Well, at least he finished third (BZ).
Heat 10: Let's go! BZ got beaten by Lambert this time :D
Heat 11: Good luck, Woffy! He was only third, but fought bravely.
Heat 12: Good luck, Magic! Damn, he was really fast, but Doyle fell and the race was stopped. WHAT THE HELL?! Why Magic got a warning?! Damn, he was epic anyway! He just won so smoothly!
Heat 13: Magic vs. Lambert. Unfortunately Magic was third. Lambert first.
Heat 16: Oh no, it's Woffy and Dan vs. BZ. Good luck, boys! Take care! NOOO! Woffy was in the lead in front of BZ and fell, badly... </3 please at least be fine... I'm so worried about him. Pity cause he will be excluded... Woffy is just always so unlucky </3 His arm is visibly hurt, mainly the wrist, I think... He sent kisses to the audience :,) <33 His hand is broken, I think. And he just went back to an amazing form. And there are also the polish league finals... not good. Hopefully he can get back to riding soon. At least Dan won over BZ.
Heat 17: BZ was third. Good. He doesn't deserve any better.
Heat 18: Magic unfortunately third. It just wasn't his evening. I hate the commentators talking about Magic. They are just so mean. It was supposed to be a Magic and Woffy heat... but yeah, Woffy is out :((
Kim Nilsson can push BZ out of the semis. Pls.
Heat 19: Fuck, Dan was excluded. How BZ always has such luck? I hate him. At least Lambert won this heat.
Semi 1: Lindgren and Holder go further.
Semi 2: I literally hate BZ. He got promoted just like that... Vaculik is the second one. Crossing fingers for his last place in the final.
Final: LETS GO! 1. Vaculik 2. Holder 3. BZ Fuck this. Lindgren was third for all the laps...
That's gonna be it for today. Not a very lucky tournament.
Martin Vaculik is so happy tho :D

Mum just messaged me that she misses us watching ouat together </3 <3 both reactions are adequate here.

I should probably write the final short story for W. I really want to have it ready, even though I don't really have the energy to do it.
I did it! I finished it! Now I'm checking the previous ones. And I really like the Enjy one, I think it's great :D The Séan one is really nice as well :D Okay turns out I like all of them apart from the Laffayette one xD cause I was about to write down that I like the Mad Hatter one as well xD

It's Scream 4 time!
I've just watched the trailer and this one might really be good. It's the one from 2011 so it's already the newer cinema :D
I'm gonna sit at my desk waiting for the laptop to fully charge and then move to my bed.
Oh come on... no subtitles? I need them. Especially today as I'm watching it much quieter because of the neighbours. Okay I've finally found one.
YES! THERE'S TWO OF THEM AGAIN! No... don't tell me it was just a movie... I need the comeback of two killers.
What the hell is this opening scene? This is a movie as well?! My god this loop...
Oh he's so going to crash her. Yep...
I really dislike the blond police officer. Judy.
Charlie is kinda hot. Not gonna lie. Which means he might be the killer.
Nevermind. Is Trevor the killer? Or maybe that would be too obvious?
Sidney's cousin? How? I knew I knew (XD) her  (Jill) actress btw - she was in Nerve.
Okay that one kill was hot. He came so close to her and stayed next to her face for longer. That was really nice.
Oh good job with covering the cameras. That was a nice move.
The party was supposed to be secret. So it must be someone from the club, right?
Oh he is staring at them cause he's recording, right? But does that mean that there's only one?
(I'm falling asleep from time to time. It was a tiring day.)
So there are two of them after all? Or not? I'm confused (the front door and the back door scene)
What a nice shot of Ghostface in the doorframe.
It's not Charlie tho. It's probably Trevor. And Lirby just killed the hottest man in this movie. Oh actually he's still alive. But probably not for much longer.
YO WHAT THE HELL CHARLIE?! Nice! I didn't expect this!
JILL?! Okay I did not predict this one.
What a bitch. (She killed Charlie.)
Is Sidney really dead? Probably not, right? I don't think she'll ever die.
Imagine the ending scene of the real Ghostface coming inside the house.
There has to be someone alive to expose her, please. If not in this movie then in the next one.
Hahah for the first time I'm actually glad Sid is okay. Nooo please make her remember everything. Jill is going to try and kill her...
Yo Gale is actually like Sherlock Holmes.
"Wear a vest, save your chest" xD
Nice one. Not the best one, but in the first three. I think it's 3, 4, 1, 2 for me for now.

Now I'm probably just gonna chill on YouTube for a bit and go to sleep to wake up on time to get W. from the station.
Also, because I meet with her and we leave for London the chapters might be shorter and not really published on time. We will see, I guess.

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