Friday, the 28th of July

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(written on the spot, even though the yesterday's chapter is not ready yet)
My hair turned out really nice. I really enjoy the colour, however, it might be a bit more deep.

I basicallt caught up with all the missing chapters, apart from the yesterday's one.

Now I'm going to get ready, because mum and I are leaving for th Olympic Stadium to try and catch some more riders (this will only make sense in the context of yesterday, sorry). (Well, I ended up not publishing up this chapter before the Thursday's one, so that remark doesn't matter anymore, but I'm going to leave it anyway.

Mum and I arrived at the stadium really early and we were basically at the beginning of the autograph queue. I would not expect that. what that meant in practice? I got an autograph from every one form the 16 riders that were there (the Czech Republik, Sweden, Australia, and France) and high-fived each one of them as well :D I was also saying "thank you" to every one of them and to Mathias I even said "merci beaucoup". His smile was so priceless, as was Magic's the day before. I was so happy I managed to find the courage and do it :D
I also got to high-five a few of them when they were leaving.
Also, there was the security woman which helped me get the autographs yesterday and she recognised us so we waved ot each other. Sweet :D

After the autograph session mum and I went to a cafe to drink some tea. I got "Waikiki" and mum got "Spacer w chmurach". We also had some cake and tonic (I HAD THE ONE I DRANK DURING THE WEDDING - THE ELDERFLOWER ONE; I did not expect them to have something like that).

We arrived at him just to watch the 5th heat of the SWC Play-off and Mathias was in it. It was his only heat that evening and I GOT TO SEE IT! I was really lucky that day.
Australia: 54
Sweden: 35
France: 20
The Czech Republic: 11
Australia nearly got max points - 60. they totally dominated. But I'm really proud of France as well<33

That was put in my notes under the influence of bad emotions, but I feel like I have to include it: W. and I were supposed to watch the Miraculous movie together, but of course she watched it with the other one. Fantastic.

But, I managed to do some fantastic lore with B. :D

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα