Saturday, the 26th of August

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I forgot to mention - I finally bought the train ticket to Wrocław. There's a possibility of me meeting with A. so that's kinda exciting :D

Straightaway in the morning - I replied to that one BC rp me and W. had two years ago. Yeah, I guess I just got inspired by Deadzone to go back and write something as those boys again.

Playing AC: (SPOILERS!!!)
"WHAT?! THEY KILLED JOHN FOR THAT?! I mean, yeah, Templars be like..."
"DAMN, WHAT A HACKER I AM", about hacking the sever in the basement
"MY GOD THE "CROSSING THE ROAD" GAME IN THE BASEMENT WAS SO DIFFICULT", but yeah, I've beaten it. And it was so fucking worth it - I got Haytham's portrait in return.
Omg xD after that hell I hacked the secretary's computer the first try xD that was so funny cause that task wasn't easy as well.
Okay but that part with the spinning ball was actually difficult this time. In most cases I was just lucky to get the solution and now I really had to think.
Damn, I really hate those "balls" puzzles. BUT I'm gradually getting better at them.
I can imagine Warren Vidic was handsome when he was young. He has a pretty voice. Also, I really like him - as a well-written character.
I haven't finished all the hacking and entered the Animus by accident. AND THEN THE GAME ENDED! It's the end. And Edward has a DAUGHTER! Jenny is so sweet and intelligent. Like her father. Oh, Caroline is dead...
"Not a huge chance to see any pirates?" Oh Edward...
Wait. This is the same theatre where Haytham was... AND LITTLE HAYTHAM IS THERE AS WELL!!!
I am not crying, which is surprising. It was an amazing game tho! <33 I had tears in my eyes and I'm having very strong shivers. Lovely :D The music during the credits >> (Tears mainly when Edward was imagining all of his companions sitting there with him...)
The soundtrack during the credits give me such goosebumps... damn. What a lovely ending.
"No real pirates were harmed during the making of this game."
I think the worst computer to hack is yet to come. The our boss's one... I saw that puzzle and it's awful.
But that's gonna be it for today.

I'm not gonna describe the whole situation, but I had this hilarious argument about Assassin's Creed in which I could prove my general knowledge about this game "in spite of being a girl".

Speedway semis! Part 1 (Part 2 tomorrow)
Częstochowa vs. Lublin
What Madsen did in heat 10 >>
In heat 13 BZ was only third. I treat this as my personal success :D
Unfortunately, the score was 36:54.

After that I started writing a reply for one of the rps, but broke it in the middle to watch ouat with mum.

Watched one episode of ouat with mum :D
After that I taked to W. between like 10:30pm and 1:30am. It was a lot of fun. And W. thanked me afterwards, additionally saying that she is happy that we're going to meet soon. That was the highlight of my day, I think.

Before going to sleep: it's heavily raining and I'm rping with W. (the S. G. and C. D. conversation, later also with M. F.)<33
Best vibes ever.

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