Monday, the 10th of July

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Replied to the Gen Loss rp, because A. replied in the morning.

After that I got back to Assassin's Creed Liberation and I mastered it finally (had to gain maybe like 7 more trophies). That was my second platinium trophy in my entire life, so I'm kind of proud of myself.

I was about to start AC IV Black Flag, but decided to leave it for the next day. There was no reason to rush through it. Also, it has a really beautiful icon, I love the colours :D

Replied to the Gen Loss rp again.

Reading "The Witcher" a lot that day.

Watched two episodes of Miraculum with mum. We started the 4th season.

I was going to finish "Over the Garden Wall", but I had a rally bad headache, so I gave up eventually.

W. replied to the Hamletio rp, but I didn't reply. The same reason as above. But I was rping with W.  before going to sleep for a bit.

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