Thursday, the 12th of October

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The seminar wasn't in the least as horrible as I expected it to be. Our prof is really nice. She kind of looks like Molly Hooper from Sherlock, but older. We interpreted superficially one of the poems and she was really interested in our opinions. That was kinda cute.

During the break I went with M. S. to the library to look through some free books and I took one about London. Cause why not, right?

A. P. was as cool as usual. I LOVE discussing stuff with her. Oh yeah, the story wasn't about colonisation btw. I realised it afterwards cause it wouldn't make sense as it wasn't written by a Native American but a Latin American author. Nevermind. But we also talked about psychosis and omg it's about hearing voices and having thoughts that are not yours. That just sounds like "Little Voice" or whatever was the title of the story I read yesterday. Kinda cool. A get a lot of such little coincidences lately :D

It was raining a bit when I was going home, but it was that type of really pleasant rain.

Ordered my food on the way home. It got delivered rather quickly.

In the meantime I also posted my first photo on the new ig account. I kind of like where it goes.

I watch the Sorry zombie episode and omg... Wilbur is such a good actor. I genuinely had tears in my eyes when he had that one scene with Charlie.
I was about to watch the extras as well, but I started falling asleep. So, I wanted to take a nap. But I couldn't fall asleep anymore. Oh well.

Now, time to try and be productive, I think. I might just do sth really quickly and then maybe reply to some rps and then watch some Witcher or sth. (Cause it's kinda late already 8:31pm.)

I read "A Nursery Tale" by Vladimir Nabokov and it was kinda cool. I really liked the "Fustus" motif. I always enjoy a hood pact with the devil plot. I'm gonna leave the "Potato Elf" for tomorrow tho cause it's kinda long for a short story.

I replied to the demon rp and to one of the Witcher rps (the one with Yen taking care of Scandy).

Now, it's about midnight already, so I should probably sit down and watch some Witcher already. Might do that in a minute or sth. I need to eat first.
The title is "Rare Species". Is it going to be about the dragon? Cause I remember that it was in this season. Also, I'm currently reading the same story, so that's kinda cool.
Omg Jaskier composes "Sweet Kiss" here. Lovely.
This is so dumb... why would he agree only to meet with her...
"Welcome to the world, Jaskier."
"I'd say something strange was afoot, but then again, witchers are bound to bump into monsters eventually." Let's go, Jaskier! At least he agrees with me :D
Jaskier and the creature. So cute.
Oh fantastic. Ciri just left her only friend.
"You're right. This is a shortcut. To death." XD
What a cute scene. Just Geralt and Jaskier sitting together.
My god, I got scared for a sec about my nilfgaardian knight.
I completely forgot about the plot twist with the dragon XD
And Jaskier just slept through all of this xD He's like GNF on the dsmp when they were doing lore.
Omg now I can see the scales on Borch's clothes. Nice detail.
I'm glad Dara is not blind.
Don't worry, Geralt. You have Jaskier. No... why treat him like that... poor Jaskier </3 He can treat Yen like that as much as he wants, but not Jaskier...
Okay. What matters is that my knight is alive. Unless it's not him... But I think it actually is.
Cahir. I finally got to know his name. Thank you.

Oh my god... All of a sudden I just fell asleep and slept about an hour... what a waste of time now. Then I tried to resist that and... slept about until 3:20am. Oh well... Here it comes. Might try to watch sth on yt now and only later go to sleep, but will see.

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz