110. Amy X Tankhun

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Grab your popcorn and coke cause this is the final chapter. Enjoy ;)



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I was vibing when someone approached me, I thought twice before hitting whoever came. I held my headphones to use as a weapon and turned around.

"I DARE YOU-" to mess with me!?

"Amy don't!" I immediately recognised this half raspy half deep voice.

"HAN!" I exclaimed to see him raise his arms in self defence. "What are you doing here!?"

He lifted his brows as if I asked something idiotic, maybe I did.

"You tell me! what are you doing here?" He looked too surprised for his own good.

"Can't you tell?" I threw the question back at him.

"Does Khun know?" He asked, as if I'm obliged to his brother. How objectionable!

"I came here after getting permission from my DAD!"

He just watched me "I didn't mean it that way. I just thought if you're here then my crazy brother would be too."

I watched him to see if he meant what he said, seems he does. So moving on..

"Ladies and gentlemen! Have a blast!" I announced in the mic, and played another track.

[Baby Tate - Hey, Mickey!]

"Make some noise! Charming Mickey in the house!" I yelled in the mic and wink at Han.

"You're nuts!" He chucked, his eyes shone in utter disbelief.

Heehee! I grinned from ear to ear.

"Enjoy the night!" With that I dismissed him from my station. Haha

Wait! Who else is here? Sheesh! I should've had to ask instead of acting cool.


Half an hour later, I saw Destiny making brother Pol dance. So he did come! I smiled.

Hold on! Did he come alone or did Arm join him too? I searched and found a guy wearing spectacles, that's Arm!

Shoot! If both of them are here that means....

My eyes widened, suddenly I had a cowardly urge to run and hide. At first I was at ease that no one can recognise me but now that a certain someone is here, I'm not so sure anymore.

Tankhun can easily detect me in the crowd of thousands! That much crazy confidence I had in him.

I watched him sitting near the bar counter while Arm standing not a meter away from him. Where brother Pol came to hang out with his GF, Arm was on duty. Poor Robo!

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