35. V for Vicious

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It was almost seven when I went out to buy something to eat. Yes, I know it's not a safe choice but I can't hide in my house forever...

I had a life to live and a tummy to feed.

Tomorrow, my roommate would be back so I had to fill up the fridge. I don't want her to know that I was surviving on the instant noodles.

I wore blue jeans with sneakers, and a T-Shirt with 'Smile is a curved line' written on it. I side braided my hair and above that I had to wear a gray hood just to hide it 'cause I have washed all of my scarves. Also, I think I need to buy new ones for a change.

Anyway, I was walking towards the shop when someone started to follow me.

Come on man~~ It's not even ten minutes since I left my house. At first, I thought it was just my stupid mind messing with me for no good reason. But when I saw a growing shadow, I'm not so sure about anything else.

I hurriedly went to Seven Eleven Store. And pick enough to survive the weekend...

I was getting a little nervous. First, I texted my roommate to inform her about this following thing. Then, I started to record a video for evidence.

Tomorrow morning, I will definitely go to the police 'cause I have had enough of this nonsense. Now that my roommate is going to be back, I can't risk her safety with me too. It'll be hard to explain everything to her, as I didn't know myself, what the hell is going on. Why is this following thing begin in first place!?

Tomorrow is Friday and I don't have any classes so I'll be home. But the text I got from an unknown number ruined my mood. I mean who the hell he is... to know my schedule.

'Have a safe weekend!' it said

Like seriously! It's still Thursday dude. I just rolled my eyes at the screen.

I grab random things, actually I forgot what I had to buy and my cell phone is busy so I can't really check my grocery list.

Sigh! I shouldn't risk my safety like this.

Last time Tankhun appears like an angel and I found his freaking bodyguards and my senior to save me.

But right now...


I grabbed a few important things with just enough weight to run around. I'm glad I choose to take my tote bag and it's not heavy at all.

I left the store and walked hastily towards my safe-heaven. As I was walking, I can still see a long shadow besides me. I heard more than one person's footsteps. My hands were sweating with nervousness.

I held my cell phone up to film the scene behind me. I hope I catch their stupid faces in my video. I was panting hard. And my hands were shaking crazily as I saved the video and start recording another one. I'm gonna continue this process until I reached my home, safe and sound.

I was walking ahead in the dark alley and I can't see much. Also, I can't turn on the torch in my cell phone too. But I kept walking and walking until I bumped into someone. I stumbled a little but didn't fall thankfully.

A car stopped in front of me with his headlights on, making me blind for a second. I covered my eyes with the same hand that was holding the cell phone. I took a small step back when I finally saw the man in front of me. He was grinning at me disgustingly.

I took a few steps back and when I was about to run away, someone grabbed my arms behind me almost at once. I was startled to death my heart was banging hard. I felt sweat on my temple.

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