27. Beauty's Smile!

368 17 13

20 oct, 2022.
Here's the thing a few days ago a friend of mine send me this SS of freaking Google and highly recommended it to ME!

Here's the thing a few days ago a friend of mine send me this SS of freaking Google and highly recommended it to ME!

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I don't know if to laugh or just die out of happiness!

Have a beautiful day!

-A.S. Styles ^^



I did something out of my damn character and ran out of the class.

If this stupid hand of mine didn't stop shaking then I don't freaking want this attached to my body. Suddenly the image of Ash Williams* from Evil Dead appeared in my damn mind. Bloody hand! Well, if someone is into horror movies, they'll know what I'm imagining right now.

I walk for more like five steps and found two guys standing shoulder to shoulder, blocking my way. What the hell!

For a split second, I thought to change my route and go to the other way, but then... I freaking walked into them and make my own damn way. They both tilted to their sides - in opposite directions. I didn't even bother to look up at their faces.

"What the hell are you both good-for-nothing doing here?" I heard a more than enough familiar high-pitched voice of someone I'm running from.

And as if someone put wheels under my shoes I half fly, half run away. When I was running away, I felt my cell phone buzzing continuously. Well, I'm too busy at the moment to check it.

I ran and ran until... I finally ran into someone... Pink hell!?

I looked up and found a pair of hostile eyes staring down at me. Like I have time to gave a damn about them. I lowered my gaze before continue walking as if nothing happens...

As soon as I took a step, I got blocked, again. I looked up at whoever he is...

Is he messing with me? If yes! then sir you choose the wrong person...and time... and place. I don't know what expression he was showing as his face was covered in black mask.

"Take a side!" I said calmly as if it's a usual thing to get blocked and stopped by others, he raised a brow.

I waited and waited... he just stands tall.

Sigh. I just freaking want one single day without sighing in exasperation...

Buzz~ I took a breath and checked my cell phone.

Joy: "Where in the hell are you!?"

Nanon: "Why are you running? Did you do something wrong!"

Joy: "Yeah, tell Nanon! Haha"

I rolled my eyes at my friends' texts. I was about to put my cell in pants pocket when I saw another message.

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