47. Obsession...!

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I came out from my last lecture and found Arm standing outside. Tankhun came behind me.

"Where's Pol?" He asked.

"He's waiting for us. Amy, please come with me." He said like a robot and start walking without giving me a chance to ask why.

We followed him. Tankhun seems to be more curious than me. Stupid!

We stopped in front of the girl's restroom and found brother Pol holding up a white shirt in hanger.

"This is for you, Miss Amy." He said in his heavy voice and gave me the dress shirt.


"Please accept is as an apology for..." He glanced at my sleeve.

I looked too and found a blood stain.

"Oh fish! I completely forgot about this!" I exclaimed.

"You can go and change, we're waiting here." Tankhun said.

"How much?" I asked while looking at the fine fabric of the shirt. It looks expensive to me.

"Pardon?" Arm looked at me in question.

"I can't take it for free so..." I waited for an amount but they looked at each other.

"You don't need to pay." Tankhun started with a chuckle.

"I'm not asking you." Woah that came out a little rude.

"..." He looked at me.

I don't know why but I'm feeling irritated by him today for some known-unknown reason.

"Miss Amy this shirt is a kind of apology from..." Brother Pol glanced at his boss "...us. You can't pay for it."

"Okay, brother Pol. Thank you for your kindness!" I smiled at him like a good girl and he laughed a little happily.


I changed into the new shirt and came out with the old one in one hand. Tankhun was waiting for me while holding my bag to his chest like a baby. Hehe

"You look good. Now gave me this one." He complimented me and snatched the shirt from my hands.

"Give it back!" I was dumbfounded.

"What would you do with it? Let me throw it away for you."

"Why would you throw away a perfect shirt! Gave it back. I'll wash it at home."

"No! I gave you a new one so this one is mine."

Is he for real!

"Fine keep it!" I made an annoyed face.

"By any chance... Are you mad at me?" He leaned forward towards me.

"Why would I be? Like you did anything wrong except for making my wound fresh and new." I said sarcastically, looking into his choco-brown eyes.

"I didn't do it on purpose." He murmured in a little voice "I just wanted to talk to you and you were ignoring me in jealousy." He pouted.

Jealous? Who? Me? I scoffed in disbelief.

"In the future let me know first if you're hurt or something then I would be careful with you. I promise!" He said earnestly.

"Are you planning to do this holding-me-back-forcefully thing again?" I narrowed my eyes and he nodded in yes. Hat's off at his dumb honestly.

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