14. Height of Patheticness!

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How dare he? I kicked the air in front of me, imagining as if his stupidly handsome face was there. Should I go back and hit his head with my folder file till he remembers me? How can he forget me? It's not even a week since we last met...

I admit that we only had two short meetings... But he freaking treat my bruised hand. How can that slip out of his mind? Bloody goldfish! It's not like he goes around doing social services... or whatever. I kicked again, startling the guy passing by me.

He insulted me openly in front of everyone without any shame or remorse in his eyes... He even gave me the weirdest look that I ever got. Like I was blocking his beautiful view or something. Maybe I should keep standing there and give him a strange look back. Or at least Sticking my tongue at him won't be too childish, right?

Insult in front of the whole college is one thing but why do I feel hurt? Maybe it's because it was the first time someone shoo-ed me off... Because usually, people come around me, asking for this and that. Bloody selfish citizens!

Maybe I shouldn't go to him in the first place. Then I wouldn't be moping around with my not-so-bright face. Ha! What a way to ruin your day!

His mean words were just kinda stuck in my mind and I don't see myself forgetting this insult or his freaking charming face in anywhere near my future. What should I do? I even missed my second class because of him.

Uh oh! Now I've remembered what I have been forgetting. Last week I met a guy in my class. He sat beside me. He's new and seems like a guy who won't just go around and talk to people or make friends on their first day. I've met him in like three classes.

In the first two classes, he just sat beside me. He looked at me behind his vision glasses so I just gave him a peaceful smile. Like if he going to sit beside me for the whole semester then I had to be less distant and more friendly. But he looked so stiff and alerted. Good-looking but weird, got it! The whole time in the class, I just make sure he sees my positive aura or gets friendly vibes from me or .... whatever.

In the third class, he saw me. I just looked at him and ignored him a little because, in the first two classes, he didn't return my smile. Truth be told he didn't even take my smile so I cannot complain...

"Hey. We had another class together." I looked up from my book he sat in front of me this time.

"Yeah, is that a good thing?" I asked, not so sure. He just smiled at me. Woah he's kinda good looking up close in front. At first, I thought he was just a nerd who likes to keep to himself. But now I'm having second thoughts. Is that a month-of-good-looking guy or something? I noticed the way he noted down lectures. The way he observed behind his spectacles.

The next day he came and said his greetings to me in a manner that made me self-conscious. But to my surprise, we don't have just three but four classes together. When I mentioned it to him, he remained quiet. I've noticed he doesn't talk to anyone in class, except for me of course. Maybe because our seats are side by side.

On the third day, a pretty girl asked for his contact number and he was like 'I appreciate your passion towards me but I'm afraid I can't give you my number. Have a safe day miss!' Hearing him saying this with a straight face I almost trip down laughing out loud.

What the... Is he for real? Haha

He was hardworking but he's behind his lessons maybe because he started his classes a week or two late. Anyway, I offered him my notes and assignments if he was interested. He looked genuinely happy as if some kind of problem in his serious-looking life was solved.

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