100. The Anchor

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Tankhun was the first to run shamelessly to my bedroom to occupy it for himself. I couldn't bring myself to complain and choose to remain quiet.

Pete half took half drag brother V towards the other room - Destiny's bedroom. Even though Brother Pol made a pouty face, he didn't dare to complete either. Then Arm come to take his friend to his boss who already lay in the middle of the bed to make it clear that no one is allowed to share that bed - my bed - with him.

My whole face twitches when he looks me in the eye cunningly and patted the side indicating me to feel free and sleep besides him.

His crazy audacity!

A little part of me wants to tease him back by entering the room and laying on the other side but I know better than anyone that I can't do that not even in my wildest dreams.

"No I am not in the mood to sleep again." I declined politely "..thank you very much much." An exaggerated smile stretches upon my cheeks.

As soon as I turn around I heard him gasp in shock and a huff escape from my mouth. I schooled my expressions at once, seeing brother V muscular arms crossed over his chest, his brows raise up a little too much.

'No need to look at me like this, I wasn't the one who start filrting..' I thought to myself and grabbed Tankhun's college bag.

"You heard her. Now stop glaring." Pete came and pulled the guy to take him back.

After every one went to sleep I grabbed Tankhun's notes to copy.

It sounds weird to admit that I felt strange tickling feelings to know that he noted down everything in detail for me... and in good hand writing, I must say.

I was done coping Tuesday's lectures and decided to take a short break so I grabbed my laptop and cellphone to check Emails and texts. I replied to everything I needed then open the call log to see who called when I was..... Whatever.

I wasn't surprised to see that both my little devil and Mama called but what takes me back was the fact that their calls got answered by someone.

Who am I kidding with? I'm sure it's my pretty boy's doing.

Tankhun talking to my little devil is normal but I wonder what he said to my Mama. A part of me is sure that he wouldn't answer if I saved my Mama's number like a normal girl. hehe

I don't mind him talking to my brother but with Mama....

I wonder what he talked to her about for freaking seventeen minutes!!!

"Hello! Mother-in-law this is Khun, Tankhun Theerapanyakul. I'm crazy in love with my beautiful Amy.."


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