13. Fan-following!

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Tankhun's POV:

It feels like ages that I came back here. I woke up early on my own. To make that happen, last night I had to throw an alarm clock under my bed so that I couldn't fall asleep again after stopping my alarm.

We were early and all the way here Arm and Pol were giving me surprised looks. And I was like 'What! I didn't even do anything.... yet!' Hah.

I walked in the parking area for a few minutes. Then I asked Arm to attend my first class, his face went blank as if I'd said something new. He goes to class leaving Pol with me. I just strolled along the corridor looking everywhere without being obvious. I noticed the guy behind me was sighing nonstop. I halted in my steps making him alerted.

"Hey Pol what is wrong with you?" I turned my face to ask him. At first, he didn't say anything then he asked me to sit while waiting for the next class. "Don't tell me what to do...If you're tired go sit somewhere. I am not going to sit in this filthy place my expensive pants won't allow me." I asked him to go away.

"That's why we were telling you to change into something more comfortable. Tight leather pants are not for college." Pol mumble. But I decided to ignore him. Because my eyes were looking for something.... actually someone.

A few minutes later Pol left me alone and finally decided to go to the canteen. Maybe he didn't have breakfast... Whatever let him eat. I continued my search.

Students were passing by me while making a sequence of clomping sounds. Their heavy footsteps are starting to irritate me. Maybe they didn't learn to walk gracefully with light steps! Not just these stupid students but every passing minute is also annoying me.

Where in the hell she is!!!!?

Suddenly I heard light footsteps... someone was following me. I pretend to spin on my foot like a happy boy and that someone is hiding. Ahaa I've been followed. College is not that boring after all. I took out my cell phone. I was about to call Arm but he's in class. So, I tried to call Pol. He didn't answer. Great! At this point, I won't be surprised if I get kidnapped.

I started to walk casually. From the corner of my eye, I saw a camera in front of his stupid face. He was secretly taking my pictures. Maybe I should walk all the way to the canteen where Pol is.

On the second thought... I should take this chance and let him follow me all the way to the business faculty and let Kinn and Vegas handle this. My brother Kinn would act as a leader while psycho Vegas just tortured him for fun. Either way, he'll be dead for sure.

But where the hell is the business faculty!!? I was walking around for so long that my feet started to ache a little. Well, if I sat in a public place, he wouldn't be able to harm me. Anyways, this stalker is just clicking my pictures, I'll just sit and strike some poses for him.

I found an empty table and bench. I looked around and there were too many students - walking, reading, talking, eating. Hah if the stalker tried to come near me I would shout at the top of my lungs getting all the attention of people around me. Haha, easy-peasy.

I sat while waiting for the class to end, and then Arm would call me first. It'd be a lie if I said I'm not nervous because my foot is tapping continuously on its own. I should distract myself... With what? I tried to focus on something else. The lighting here is good for taking pictures. The stalker slash photographer was standing beside a pillar. Come on you are way too obvious! I rolled my eyes.

While rolling, my eyes stop at my shoes. They are not doing justice to my pants. Personally, I wanted to wear my LED light-up shoes. But Pol didn't find them in my closet. Then Arm put these Louis Vuitton loafers on my feet. I didn't say anything but they can't fool me. I knew about their little conspiracy against me. I even knew where Pol hid my LED light-up shoes and that this idea came from Arm's head because Pol is an idiot.

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