51. D-Day!

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I sit alone to eat my sandwich while reading the notes Arm recreate for me. I was surprised when I didn't find any typo or mistake. Freaking nerd!

I didn't join my friends to the canteen as I'm keeping my distance from them for the time being. I took a bite and heard the sound of guitar playing. A smile appears on my face and I glanced up.

Above me was the Music faculty. Whenever I feel down or just wanted to be alone, I came to this area of the college. Alone. Even my friends didn't know about this secret place.

I cleaned my hands with tissue paper and put the trash in my bag that I will throw in trash can on my way back. 

I heard a familiar voice singing. I closed my eyes and swayed around. Whoever he is... He's blessed with an angel's voice. I'm his secret fan since my second semester in college. It's kinda weird - in a good way - that I listened to him singing songs two or three times a week but never really got the chance to see his face.

Well, I didn't try to find out about the guy behind this awesome voice myself. I like to leave him as a mystery... a melodious one.


In my free lecture, I had a meeting with my group members. Nanon gave me the notes of Joy, Bright and Day that he already finished editing and arranging according to the Chaucer's book, The Canterbury Tales.

I showed them my work and they were awestruck to see that. They were impressed by my work of art and I smiled secretly as I got some buddies helping me at home.

Then Joy and Nanon argued over something and it turns out that both my friends put some stupid bet on Tankhun to see if he did his assign work or not.

They have the audacity to choose me as a fair judge, because it was my notes that the golden boy needed to memorize. It's only natural for me to knew the correct answers. 

I hold the second version of my notes and unconsciously glared at Tankhun. He was trying to hide his smile. Stupid!

I asked him too many questions about Chaucer and he answered them correctly. All of them clapped for him without making any noise because we were sitting in the library.

Joy made too many faces as she lost the bet. Nanon was laughing at her while Tankhun just passed her an attitude look like she did a mistake to underestimate him. Pfft.

They looked at me for some reason together after giving a silent high-five to each other.

Bloody hell! I cursed inside as I recalled an embarrassing memory from last month when I gave a powerful high-five to Tankhun.* Only if I can go back in time I would... I would... probably do it again with more force and potential. 

"Heehee," I cleared my throat to cover my accidental chuckle and did my best ignoring Tankhun's amused eyes. 


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