93. Wild Vociferous!!!

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Hey Readers,

Hope everyone is doing awesome like me...hehe.
It's been like a week when I get happy because of 20k views on my novel and now it's 21K.
It's all because of you beautiful people. Thank you for sticking with me and to my novel.
Keep reading, voting, commenting and supporting till the very end!

Yours Truly,
A.S. Styles^^


Author's POV:

Late at night in the hospital...

"Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP) is an extremely rare phenotype characterized by the inability to perceive pain from birth. Individuals with CIP do not feel pain from any noxious stimuli, including inflammation and heat."

Dr. Top explained in a single breath like he was reading from a book.

"Can you explain it in a plain language?" Kinn asked in his deep voice.

"People who have CIP can't feel any physical pain from birth, and they often have other sensory problems, such as being unable to smell or unable to feel extremely cold or hot temperatures."

"What does CIP feel like?" Vegas nodded thoughtfully and asked.

"From birth, affected individuals never feel pain in any part of their body when injured. People with this condition can feel the difference between sharp and dull and hot and cold, but cannot sense, for example, they wouldn't know if a hot beverage is burning their tongue."

Vegas nodded again, recalling the time he spent with Amy. How she acted and moved around in his house? How she reacted when she accidentally got hurt while doing this and that.

She somehow always managed to cut her fingers while using a knife for chopping something, or got a little burn while cooking. Yet she never reacted to pain, not even slightest. It was always Pete or Macau who hissed in her place. His brows furrowed as something comes to his mind.

"Can people with CIP feel mental pain?" He asked in a cold voice curiously, Kinn turned his neck to look at his cousin's grave expression.

"CIP is characterized by loss of pain and thermal sensation accompanied by mental distress. Other sensory modalities such as touch, pressure, and vibration are not affected." He paused for a moment.
"Insensitivity to pain leads to bone fractures, burns, and self-mutilation of the tongue, lips, or fingers."

"Is CIP curable?" Kinn asked, hiding his disquietness.

"I'm afraid... CIP is a lifelong condition that can be managed with proper medical care."

Both the cousins cursed under their breaths.

"Is the CIP condition good?" Kinn tried to be optimistic.

"Well..." Dr. Top paused for a moment "..feeling physical pain is vital for survival, CIP is an extremely dangerous condition. It is common for people with the condition to die in childhood due to injuries or illnesses going unnoticed."

Both Vegas and Kinn looked at each other, learning about this rare disease was stressful for both of them. But Vegas was more worried, he hoped for CIP to be some common disease that can be cured with medication.. but what Dr. Top told them, was utterly unexpected and horrifying.

"Can a person live with CIP? How long?" Vegas clenched his fists tightly, hating himself for asking this.

"As I said Mr. Vegas, CIP is extremely dangerous, and in most cases the patient doesn't live over the age of 25." Dr. Top stopped to see their reactions. Both the mafias were doing a great job at hiding their true feelings but inside their tough demeanor crumbled a little.

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